On 2017-08-30 20:49:46 johndoe69za said:
If you are getting fh from a massage only girl it could be her way of beating the system where owners check for used condoms/packets to ensure no full house takes place
On 2017-08-31 10:07:09 Nicky said:
Really? How stupid can one be? Is it not obvious that if a girl offers you bareback that she is definitely doing bareback with other clients too! And vice versa, any client asking for bareback is doing it with other girls too. If you're not worried of getting hiv then you most probably already have
The amount of clients phoning a day asking for bareback is shocking.
And girls, wake up
What makes you think you are so special to believe a certain client only loves, adores and visits you that you will have unprotected sex?