330guy - Re: virus
Re: virus
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1 Dec 2012
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Posted: 2022-01-16 11:12:19

On 2022-01-16 10:30:01 Tobago said:
On 2022-01-16 10:05:27 Potatoejetguy said: Those that don't vaccinate cannot travel.
Absolutely and I think the ladies should introduce a health pass for their services...

Since you quoted Potatoejetguy's comment ( those that do not vaccinate cannot travel) I am assuming that u mean that ladies should not see unvaccinated clients.

Two questions:

1. What purpose would that serve
2. Would you be prepared to compensate them for the income they would be losing?
330guy - Re: virus
Re: virus
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1 Dec 2012
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Posted: 2022-01-16 11:27:48
Edited: 2022-01-16 11:47:57

As an aside has anybody else noticed that societies that have the most access to information and hence are bombarded with info ( most often negative fear inducing info) are the ones that are most affected by the virus. Across the world your so called first world countries are far more affected then your poorer countries.

Right here in South Africa you see it. The middle to upper classes are living in fear following all the protocols, yet when they get the virus they are more severely affected. The poor on the other hand are walking around living their normal lives blatantly disregarding even the most basic Covid protocols such as mask wearing yet they hardly seem to be affected.

They are in all likely hood contracting the virus but I think they are mentally and physically strong enough to overcome it NATURALLY.

So its seems like the ones who fear the virus the most are the ones affected the most. Which is no surprise really. Cos we all know about the powers of the human brain.

Hence my firm belief that this virus is no match for a fit person with a positive mind.

I really wish that there would be more emphasis placed on getting people to live more healthy lives. I really wish that our so called medical professionals would encourage this at least even a little. I really wish that leaders in governments would encourage societies to change our lifestyles to be more heathy.

i really wish that the leaders of big corporates would put some effort in to reducing workplace stress in order to improve employee health.

Sadly every single thing that i listed as wishes is NOT GOING TO HAPPEN Cos as usual as humans we rather go for the so called quick fix. Which in this case is the vaccine. So that's all you will hear from these so called leaders. Which is particularly disappointing from the health professionals.

JP82 - Re: virus
Re: virus
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24 Jun 2018
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Posted: 2022-01-16 12:05:54

On 2022-01-16 10:22:33 Tobago said:
Perhaps a simple arithmetic lesson would help???
There are 100 people on an island 80% of them... (I.e 80 people) are vaccinated and 20% (I.e. 20 people) are not.
20% of the vaccinated people got covid (I.e. 16 people) and 50% of the unvaccinated got covid, I.e 10 people.
So total people with covid is 26 people.
JE and his fellow conspirators will tell you that 62% OF PEOPLE ON AN ISLAND WHO GOT COVID WERE VACCINATED!!!! Which is true... but reflects their total lack of understanding of basic arithmetic and statistics...

Exactly. Absolutely everyone on this thread should look at this:

I know Johnny and wild_one and the other piss-drinkers have fairly limited attention spans, but at least look at the country graphs.

(What's the bet wild_one claims it's fake news/propaganda and Johnny totally ignores it (and then later posts some anecdote of one random vaccinated oke who died).
[deleted] - Re: virus
Re: virus
More than 100 posts
Posted: 2022-01-16 14:45:27

So did I get my butt kicked without even knowing it? Waiting to hear how. LMAO
Teletubby - Re: virus
Re: virus
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29 Jun 2021
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Posted: 2022-01-16 14:57:49

On 2022-01-15 12:34:05 Jimbob31 said:
"iTs pRoPaGaNdA", shouts wild_one as he takes his horse medicine and chases it down with a nice warm, salty glass of his own piss.

Lol. That seems like a way too civilized way for him to go about it. I imagine he sneaks in to public restrooms and chews on the urinal cakes - gets his Trump-recommended dose of disinfectant and all the goodness of piss in one go.
Teletubby - Re: virus
Re: virus
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29 Jun 2021
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Posted: 2022-01-16 15:01:45

On 2022-01-16 12:05:54 JP82 said:

Exactly. Absolutely everyone on this thread should look at this:

I know Johnny and wild_one and the other piss-drinkers have fairly limited attention spans, but at least look at the country graphs.

(What's the bet wild_one claims it's fake news/propaganda and Johnny totally ignores it (and then later posts some anecdote of one random vaccinated oke who died).

Thank you JP. If there was a single ounce of intellectual integrity on the other side, this would be the end of the discussion. But you're almost certainly right - Johnny tends to ignore facts that he doesn't like.
TheDicktator - Re: virus
Re: virus
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15 Sep 2021
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Posted: 2022-01-16 17:05:00

On 2022-01-16 12:05:54 JP82 said:

Exactly. Absolutely everyone on this thread should look at this:

I know Johnny and wild_one and the other piss-drinkers have fairly limited attention spans, but at least look at the country graphs.

(What's the bet wild_one claims it's fake news/propaganda and Johnny totally ignores it (and then later posts some anecdote of one random vaccinated oke who died).

Well done JP. The best source of information on the entire thread. It should end the debate about whether to get vaccinated or not but that's not the society we live in
Johnny English
Johnny English - Re: virus
Re: virus
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10 Dec 2018
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Posted: 2022-01-16 18:40:22
Edited: 2022-01-16 19:02:00

On 2022-01-16 17:05:00 TheDicktator said:
On 2022-01-16 12:05:54 JP82 said:

Exactly. Absolutely everyone on this thread should look at this:

I know Johnny and wild_one and the other piss-drinkers have fairly limited attention spans, but at least look at the country graphs.

(What's the bet wild_one claims it's fake news/propaganda and Johnny totally ignores it (and then later posts some anecdote of one random vaccinated oke who died).

Well done JP. The best source of information on the entire thread. It should end the debate about whether to get vaccinated or not but that's not the society we live in

The debate is only warming up now, Dictator as we only now going into the short term damage and deaths these synthetic "vaccines" are causing, let alone the short term damage done to humanity's rights and freedoms for a man made virus/pandemic with its 0.0006% death rate. The medium term and long term are yet to come, brace yourself Sheila !
Teletubby - Re: virus
Re: virus
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29 Jun 2021
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Posted: 2022-01-16 19:25:09

On 2022-01-16 18:40:22 Johnny English said:

The debate is only warming up now, Dictator as we only now going into the short term damage and deaths these synthetic "vaccines" are causing, let alone the short term damage done to humanity's rights and freedoms for a man made virus/pandemic with its 0.0006% death rate. The medium term and long term are yet to come, brace yourself Sheila !

Ah yes, a textbook conspiracy theorist pivot, beautifully executed.

When literally everything you've said is shown to be complete bullshit, quickly turn to some vague and unprovable speculative claim about what's going to happen in the future.
[deleted] - Re: virus
Re: virus
More than 100 posts
Posted: 2022-01-16 23:44:39

On 2022-01-16 19:25:09 Teletubby said:
On 2022-01-16 18:40:22 Johnny English said:

The debate is only warming up now, Dictator as we only now going into the short term damage and deaths these synthetic "vaccines" are causing, let alone the short term damage done to humanity's rights and freedoms for a man made virus/pandemic with its 0.0006% death rate. The medium term and long term are yet to come, brace yourself Sheila !

Ah yes, a textbook conspiracy theorist pivot, beautifully executed.

When literally everything you've said is shown to be complete bullshit, quickly turn to some vague and unprovable speculative claim about what's going to happen in the future.

That dude is so woke LMAO


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