Hazel Arabia
Hazel Arabia - Re: Economy Gone To Shit
Re: Economy Gone To Shit
2 Jun 2022
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Posted: 2024-07-11 15:33:20

On 2024-07-11 15:25:01 Lagen said:
@Hazel Arabia -- He(voete2006) said 21 days, not 31 days as you might have misread.

".....also very telling, thinking us SPs need to be working every day for 31 days"

I did indeed misread; apologies.
JP82 - Re: Economy Gone To Shit
Re: Economy Gone To Shit
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24 Jun 2018
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Posted: 2024-07-11 15:40:11

On 2024-07-11 15:06:20 Lagen said:
Intellectual masturbation contest on the go:

- "two relevant masters degrees (one in development economics and the second in finance)" -

Arguing it out on a sex for sale website to impress random strangers may be the biggest flaw in your intellectual abilities point.

But i do hope you impressed some of the guys on here, because i don't think too many girls got wet with this nasty name calling nerd sword fight.

But anyway, as you were.

I'm not trying to impress anyone. I brought up my qualifications because I was accused of pulling it out my ass, when actually this is a topic in which I do have some expertise, and qualifications is a pretty easy way to show that.

Also I don't generally view the forum as a place to impress the ladies (although you clearly do, since that's the motivation you impute to our discussion) but as a place for like-minded adults to engage in conversation / debate on a range of topics, (sex-related and otherwise), so frankly I don't really care if the ladies are turned on reading it.
Pumpkineater - Re: Economy Gone To Shit
Re: Economy Gone To Shit
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23 Aug 2022
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Posted: 2024-07-11 16:15:49

Yoh yoh yoh this was a long read with so many huge words been used i had to in some places pull the dictionary and even the calculator closer and stil couldnt understamd all this financial stuff. Shit hold on. I forgot what i was going to write.

Ok im back. Reading all these essays where the guys was comparing dick... I mean brain size, i came to a conclusion and i summarized it all up to make it much simpler to read

Girls the cost of living is killing us. We cant punt so much anymore. Just bare with us please.

And for the girls.
Dont drop ur prices. Just dont push them up

I hope this helps

Galaxy The Original
Galaxy The Original - Re: Economy Gone To Shit
Re: Economy Gone To Shit
31 Oct 2017
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Posted: 2024-07-11 16:25:39

On 2024-07-11 16:15:49 Pumpkineater said:
Yoh yoh yoh this was a long read with so many huge words been used i had to in some places pull the dictionary and even the calculator closer and stil couldnt understamd all this financial stuff. Shit hold on. I forgot what i was going to write.

Ok im back. Reading all these essays where the guys was comparing dick... I mean brain size, i came to a conclusion and i summarized it all up to make it much simpler to read

Girls the cost of living is killing us. We cant punt so much anymore. Just bare with us please.

And for the girls.
Dont drop ur prices. Just dont push them up

I hope this helps

You know what?! You are the best! He he This definitely helps a lot thank you! ;) xxx
Jess - Re: Economy Gone To Shit
Re: Economy Gone To Shit
28 Sep 2020
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Posted: 2024-07-11 16:42:54


You impress me baby... come here ;)
sircumsized - Re: Economy Gone To Shit
Re: Economy Gone To Shit
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2 Jul 2022
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Posted: 2024-07-11 18:12:10

Lol at 2 masters degrees one in bullshit the other in narcissism
Michelle Savaty
Michelle Savaty - Re: Economy Gone To Shit
Re: Economy Gone To Shit
18 Sep 2018
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Posted: 2024-07-11 19:57:42

So i didnt read all the blab going on here, but i just want to say not everyone charges that huge amount, not everyone only has 2 kids, and not everyone sees only 1 - 3 clients a day.

For example my hourly rate is now at the moment R700. And if im lucky i only see 4 - 5 clients a week these days. So please dont just asume you know whats going on in our lives.

Cause none of you have a clue.

Thats my 50c
therodent - Re: Economy Gone To Shit
Re: Economy Gone To Shit
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29 Jul 2014
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Posted: 2024-07-12 14:18:05

Qualifications you have? Kak. You are a noob.

On 2024-07-11 15:40:11 JP82 said:
On 2024-07-11 15:06:20 Lagen said: Intellectual masturbation contest on the go:

- "two relevant masters degrees (one in development economics and the second in finance)" -

Arguing it out on a sex for sale website to impress random strangers may be the biggest flaw in your intellectual abilities point.

But i do hope you impressed some of the guys on here, because i don't think too many girls got wet with this nasty name calling nerd sword fight.

But anyway, as you were.

I'm not trying to impress anyone. I brought up my qualifications because I was accused of pulling it out my ass, when actually this is a topic in which I do have some expertise, and qualifications is a pretty easy way to show that.

Also I don't generally view the forum as a place to impress the ladies (although you clearly do, since that's the motivation you impute to our discussion) but as a place for like-minded adults to engage in conversation / debate on a range of topics, (sex-related and otherwise), so frankly I don't really care if the ladies are turned on reading it.

Ms Eve
Ms Eve - Re: Economy Gone To Shit
Re: Economy Gone To Shit
1 Mar 2024
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Posted: 2024-07-12 14:25:19

Grabs popcorn and snuggles in for the show..
Teletubby - Re: Economy Gone To Shit
Re: Economy Gone To Shit
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29 Jun 2021
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Posted: 2024-07-12 15:01:01

On 2024-07-11 10:22:38 therodent said:
Jesus, whoever you are you clearly lack the depth to understand even half of what I have said in my first post, nevermind the lack of understanding how the whoring market operates. What's with all the assumptions?

Let me explain it in simple terms. Inflation and the price of pussy are in no way relevant to each other. The guy that wants to buy some pussy is not going to if inflation of essentials are above his salary increase or is chowing into his quality of living. Naturally luxuries get cut first, like pussy. So there is the demand part I was talking about that renders your argument fucked. Demand goes from being there to practically zero. If this happened to any business' turnover then that business will fold poes quick. See, easy to understand. Now the little demand that is left in the whoring industry is not going to be kind to WG's upping rates just because of inflation and shit. They will completely kill off what little demand there is left.

I really hope you are able to grasp how simple this is but I am of the opinion that you pulled your argument straight out of your ass.

On 2024-07-10 18:00:51 JP82 said: On 2024-07-10 16:15:24 therodent said: Geez, people here can talk a lot of shit. Trying to link inflation to the price of pussy is so far out of the realm of reality it should be considered chalk and cheese.

Prostitution is still illegal in this country and it therefore falls outside the camp of openly recognised and tradeable commodities. It is still a black market industry. If prostitution were legal and properly regulated by the DTI then that would be a different story.

Having said that, the price of pussy is ONLY dictated by simple demand in trade, (not supply and demand) as some would believe, of a non-essential item that ranks rather low on the list of priorities for most consumers. This means that in times of financial stagnation, as is now the case, if the price of pussy rises above inflation or even substantially under inflation, there is no way in hell that demand for pussy will remain high. In fact the opposite applies. Demand for pussy will plummet.

Sin taxes are a good example of this. The price of cigarettes has risen far higher than average annual inflation and less and less people smoke. Electricity is another example albeit this is an essential but the result is still fair game. It is far cheaper to install a solar system and save a huge amount rather than pay eskom for electricity.

So many fellow punting friends I know have decided to either hang up their punting boots or simply punt way less and only visit the sure fire cracker of a WG every now and then. With a demand drop-off of this magnitude, let's call it 50% no business will be able to survive such a financial knock without drastically cutting costs. It is for this reason that I can guarantee that if a WG does not reduce her rates and increase her output, she is on the wrong industry for now. After all, there are other options available other than punting.

This might be the most economically illiterate post I've seen on this site, and that's saying something because there are quite a few contenders. If one of my students had submitted analysis this incoherent, I would have failed them immediately, and probably resigned in shame at what a terrible job I was doing teaching them.

You think that black market goods aren't subject to inflation? Why wouldn't they be? Do you think inflation is something that the government chooses and then applies to prices? Prices are nominal -- and the reflect relative valuations -- If the price of everything rises in nominal terms, of course the price of this service (whether illegal or not) will rise. Not least because the input costs of providing the service have risen -- rent, supplies, electricity, petrol, the "wage" of the sp, but also because the "price" of the opportunity cost (i.e. what the sp could earn elsewhere) will have risen, so of course she will require more, to keep doing it.

Then you've confused an inelastic supply curve with whatever this meaningless "the price of pussy is ONLY dictated by simple demand in trade, (not supply and demand) as some would believe" mess of a sentence. The price may be more elastic with respect to demand than to supply, but that doesn't mean it's only demand that matters. The only situation that in any way coherently maps onto what you've said is if the supply curve is completely inelastic with respect to price (i.e. a vertical supply curve) but that just does not accurately describe this market. Like at all.

Sin taxes -- etc. This part actually makes some sense, (but you're only talking about the elasticity of demand here, so it still doesn't support your claim that supply doesn't matter)

I see the Dunning-Kruger effect is alive and strong.


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