On 2017-10-28 13:49:32 Timtam101 said:
a small slice of pie is better than no slice of pie if she wasn't busy anyway.
I disagree - I'll either have the whole pie plus dish plus cutlery, then burp after I down the goblet and wipe myself clean with the tablecloth afterwards... or I won't have anything at all.
That's the same as saying you'll be happy with a little orgasm - really?
You may, it's just not me!
Maybe it's age or something, or experience (which I think goes hand in hand with age), but these days I want it all, from intro to starter to 7-course main to desserts, multiple one's, until we (note, not 'me') exhaust and go lazy, limp and cuddly.
The 'we'-bit is key though, and surprisingly easy too to determine if it's there on the first visit: give it your all and spoil her, 'give'... then you should receive.
If that last bit is missing initially then give more time (not more visits) while keeping giving, as unfamiliarity and/or surprise may play a role, hence she may loosen up more with a bit of time.
If it remains absent or restrained then too bad, I aim and prepare for the end and will exit permanently, next please - but very often I DO receive!
And when that happens the sky is the limit!
When last did you give a girl an endless string of orgasms, or if you both are lucky one single continuous one? Rare but they're out there, dogawesome for both when it happens!
If sex is not a two-way street then it does not lead to any satisfaction for me, perhaps funny but so be it, but when it happens both engines go full out, racing towards the horizon until the petrol runs out - both exhausted, both relaxed and both utterly happy.
But, eh, that apparently is related to the initial phonecall with an inherent pricetag attached you say, and the latter must be between certain limits for reason of inherent quality assured?
Anyone agreeing with such is either kidding, inexperienced, silly or downright onnosel, or he perhaps has an inferiority complex which he tries to compensate for with throwing money around.
Here's some food for thought:
- many an oke is an asshole in private, ask around... so her fee is amoungst others based on this fact
- many a dirtbag out there, which to compensate for is also reflected in the fee she asks
- shy guys, introvert one's, fugly one's, they all punt... hence are part of her fees
- you're grumpy, aggressive, got no SOH, or you have no clue about sex? Then you're a bad part of her fees
- you (know you) suck with sex but you're also not prepared to improve on that, no will or brain to better? You're a BIG part of the fees!
But, you've got money to compensate for whatever you may be lacking, so you aim for the higher priced girls for they on average give you a better experience you think/say. Good, keep it that way, happy punting.
I also have done such but don't anymore, as I've found out that there's an abundance of exceptionally nice, spontaneous and superbly willing girls out there, pretty and sexy indeed, clean as a whistle and not demanding the earth, which will give you her all if you show a bit of compassion. But, if you go all out and give her your all then better learn to swim as the floodgates will burst, of course they will... because you will be experienced as a 'nice guy', you 'click' or whatever superlative you want to throw at it.
This only because you try to be nice!
Oh, yeah, you're also clean and look a bit after yourself, not a slob or couch potato, and a bit of a personality will help too.
Sure,of course this comes at a price, we all must live.
Do too-expensive girls exist? I think there's quite a few of them.
Will too-cheap girl give you a bad experience? If you think so I think you miss something here.