On 2019-09-24 05:13:19 Tiger_ said:
Tegwane. Sir you are a DOOS.
You voted for the ruling party.
Then they fucked up the economy and then you are the first to run away!
Typically of your nature you still feel entitled enough to try and stir shit.
You should go into politics. You would fit right in with the rest of your friends.
On 2019-09-24 07:34:44 Sylvia said:
well said tiger. And the guys on this thread are punters? He is just stirring up political issues per se. He has nothing better to do all the way from Immigrant UK and post on here when he is not even a punter!!!!
On 2019-09-24 02:35:39 Sylvia said:
tegwane. You gotta be joking. UK a christian country you say.. ha ha ha. next laugh. There are more Different nationalities in that place than anywhere else on earth. Used to be a good Christian country....Not any longer. FACT. I once was a proud brit. Not any longer. that place has gone to the dogs, as the saying goes. good night.
On 2019-09-24 08:19:36 Johnny English said:
Posted before Tegwane's response to Tiger but doesn't change my views on those who left, kicking or screaming or otherwise, continually having a go at our country because they are bitter. As they say, you made your bed, you lie in it !