Minime V10.1
Minime V10.1 - Re: New sex kitten coming soon!
Re: New sex kitten coming soon!
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19 Jul 2018
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Posted: 2019-05-01 07:24:35
Edited: 2019-05-01 07:39:24

It shouldnt bother your friend. The lady is a performer. The site we are on now is ESA.....Escort South Africa. I dont think there i any performers qdvwrtising here who will be up in arms. Probably not Miss Nude SA concern what the guys do qfter her show.

When somebody compliment the friendly waiters at a Venue it is obviously not freeloading. No waiters advertise on ESA. Make sense?

But ESA will help you better with your enquiry.
[deleted] - Re: New sex kitten coming soon!
Re: New sex kitten coming soon!
More than 100 posts
Posted: 2019-05-01 07:24:50

On 2019-05-01 06:45:46 Minime V10.1 said:
On 2019-04-30 19:11:36 Doublewide said:
I'm actually over it. My account will be deleted. I'm really not going to deal with admins who have God complexes because they have been afforded a little bit of authority.

We are obviously going to miss you on here. But I know how you feel. No admin people to deal with on the other side. Cheers Sir.

Thanks Mini. I'm just seeing what the fallout of this is before I pull the trigger. Celia can feel very hard done by in my opinion. But what can you do when you deal with hypocrisy.
[deleted] - Re: New sex kitten coming soon!
Re: New sex kitten coming soon!
More than 100 posts
Posted: 2019-05-01 07:27:30

On 2019-05-01 07:23:13 Zerocool09 said:
The would have been tripot has now only 2 legs!

I personally get fedup (could have used a better word) for girls in "gangs" promoting each other

Jenna/Celia is Chasity and gang version 2.0

You make no sense. Celia works at a venue and Jenna has nothing to do with this.

Go look in the mirror, your vendetta is showing.
Minime V10.1
Minime V10.1 - Re: New sex kitten coming soon!
Re: New sex kitten coming soon!
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19 Jul 2018
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Posted: 2019-05-01 07:28:10

@Doublewide. Look....I have been banned and shit like allot of others. I have written emails and called. In the end (Linkin Park) it is "safer" to play by the rules. Even if te rules sucks bqlls.
Zerocool09 - Re: New sex kitten coming soon!
Re: New sex kitten coming soon!
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3 Feb 2012
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Posted: 2019-05-01 07:43:45
Edited: 2019-05-01 07:48:55

On 2019-05-01 07:27:30 Doublewide said:
On 2019-05-01 07:23:13 Zerocool09 said: The would have been tripot has now only 2 legs!

I personally get fedup (could have used a better word) for girls in "gangs" promoting each other

Jenna/Celia is Chasity and gang version 2.0

You make no sense. Celia works at a venue and Jenna has nothing to do with this.

Go look in the mirror, your vendetta is showing.

Now thats super funny!!!

Vendetta of what exactly? Call the venue where Jenna "works" from. Guess what, Celia is smiling next to her.

Clearly you dont remember Chasity/Bianca and kie! Its dejavu

Next would be a petition to bring Celia back (lol).
Ladylover007 - Re: New sex kitten coming soon!
Re: New sex kitten coming soon!
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16 Dec 2017
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Posted: 2019-05-01 07:49:04

On 2019-05-01 07:23:03 Doublewide said:
On 2019-05-01 00:44:56 Ladylover007 said: Look, I don't like the rules at all! But at least they are being consistent. There would have been nothing wrong in waiting until the profile is live before promoting the new lady...this was a mistake

Also, I am sure we'll see a post from Massage Inc in the morning introducing her to us all. So why jump the gun?

Some people help others if they promised to whatever the cost. If your word means nothing you have nothing.

Elaborate please Doublewide? What exactly are you referring to? I can guess.

Well maybe if some people are open and honest from the word go and don't change their story all the can be expected that some people will keep their's a two way street
[deleted] - Re: New sex kitten coming soon!
Re: New sex kitten coming soon!
More than 100 posts
Posted: 2019-05-01 07:53:41

Guy's fuck...all this commotion and I'm trying to sleep...

Hahaha...just kidding...

My bad, as you were...
GreyKnight - Re: New sex kitten coming soon!
Re: New sex kitten coming soon!
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10 Jul 2016
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Posted: 2019-05-01 08:01:13

On 2019-05-01 07:05:10 Lokoloko said:

I have to disagree on them being consistent. How many times were "Miss Nude SA" attendances been used to "promote" the upcoming Social. Is that not also freeloading as she has no profile on ESA.

Just asking for a friend

Lokoloko aka jjsoap, aka yewrev aka...aka...aka....

I find it amusing that you are complaining about ESA not being consistent in their banning people. Were you not told that you will be banned for life by our own Eddie from ESA? And that any new profiles you create will also be banned summarily? Yet here you are posting away on the forum, bitching and moaning about ESA not being consistent (probably changed your IP address again). And now you're trying so hard to get people banned and put a damper on the upcoming ESA social. Will you feel better if the social is ruined?

Talk about the pot calling the kettle black...

And don't deny it, a lot of us have figured out you are jjsoap. Since you are such a big defender of "truth and justice", I dare you to do the honorable thing and admit to this. Otherwise I'll just call you a hypocrite sir.
Mila - Re: New sex kitten coming soon!
Re: New sex kitten coming soon!
30 Apr 2019
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Posted: 2019-05-01 08:07:17

Its such a pitty my dear friend got banned for trying her best to help me. She has been a pilar of support throughout the process. Thank you Celia you're amazing!

Hi to all you lovely gents. I hope we all have fun. Feel free to call or contact me for my rates.
Massage By Yvonne
Massage By Yvonne - Re: New sex kitten coming soon!
Re: New sex kitten coming soon!
16 May 2013
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Posted: 2019-05-01 08:30:05

I'm selling popcorn for people reading the comments.
Regular R15
Large R20
Add a Coke and chocolate for only R10.50 each.


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