Tegwane - Re: Donald Trump
Re: Donald Trump
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28 Feb 2018
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Posted: 2019-01-16 09:26:22

On 2019-01-16 07:18:41 Burfi said:
On 2019-01-15 21:32:51 Tegwane said: [QUOTE the illegal Nazi-Zionist apartheid state of Israel.

Come on, the only democratic state in the Middle East, unless you are trolling?

Not trolling, unless you are?
Israel democratic? [Insert middle finger emoji here]

Emancipate yourself from your mental slavery boss.

Read this book first before any other:


Democratic process, who cannot vote in Israeli elections? Name one other Middle Eastern country that has democratic or even quasi democratic election!! Burfi you can support and believe what you want, but by reading a book you pledge your allegiance? I do not have an opinion as many years ago I read a book by Leon Uris, called The Haj, and made a conscious decision that peace in the Middle East is unattainable therefore to voice an opinion is like shouting into a hurricane. Israel has an ally in America and that is what pisses a lot of people off
Ben Layden
Ben Layden - Re: Donald Trump
Re: Donald Trump
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Posted: 2019-01-16 09:46:34

Interfaith marriage is not recognized in Israel

35% more resources spent on Jewish areas than Palestinian areas

Two separate school systems operate in Israel. One for Palestinians and one for Jews.

Job reservation in Israel discriminates against Palestinians. Refer The employment of the public service bill of 2009.
[deleted] - Re: Donald Trump
Re: Donald Trump
Less than 10 posts
Posted: 2019-01-16 10:00:19


I concur. Strikes are just a way to flex muscles, but usually at the expense of the workers.

The increase they are getting usually not backdated to before the strike started and the lost income through striking less than the increase seen on a yearly basis. So they are actually worse off.

The ONLY ones scoring are the union employees.

We should use the Maggie Thatcher doctrine. Worked in England. Strikes are unheard of there now.

Burfi - Re: Donald Trump
Re: Donald Trump
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4 Apr 2018
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Posted: 2019-01-16 10:03:42
Edited: 2019-01-16 10:06:16

On 2019-01-16 09:26:22 Tegwane said:

Burfi you can support and believe what you want, but by reading a book you pledge your allegiance?

Nope, not only one book. Obviously. Btw, I've been there, have you ever visited Palestine?

Anyways, Israel also has an ally in Saudi Arabia and Jordan. Saudi Arabia has an ally in America. So what?

And fuck the Saudi regime as well. They were created and propped up by the British, and the house of Al-Saud betrayed the entire Islamic world. So fuck them too.

Any ways, speak to Christian Palestinians as well. A common misconception is that's its Muslim vs Jew. It is actually Palestinian vs Zionists. According to Christian Palistinian historian Sami Hadawi, over 50% of Christian Palestinians lost their homes to Nazi-Zionists to make way for Israeli occupation of Palistine.

Anyways boss, let me not debate and argue the Palestine issue on this forum. But, do more research, read hundreds of books and papers and take a trip thru Palestine to talk to the elder people on the ground.

"We know too well that our freedom is incomplete without the freedom of the Palestinians"

-Nelson Mandela
Tegwane - Re: Donald Trump
Re: Donald Trump
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28 Feb 2018
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Posted: 2019-01-16 10:08:03

On 2019-01-16 09:46:34 Ben Layden said:
Interfaith marriage is not recognized in Israel

35% more resources spent on Jewish areas than Palestinian areas

Two separate school systems operate in Israel. One for Palestinians and one for Jews.

Job reservation in Israel discriminates against Palestinians. Refer The employment of the public service bill of 2009.

Ok point by point

Interfaith marriage interesting comment, is it recognised in Muslim countries?
Why would they spend the same amount as my understanding is Hamas, which is Palestinian have vowed to 'obliterate' Israel
Seperate schooling makes sense, different religions, I am not sure if they speak different languages, and of course culture
In what way? If you can't speak the language, can't do the job. Why would they accommodate any Palestinian at all in fact, as would Palestine give any Jew equal opportunity
Ben Layden
Ben Layden - Re: Donald Trump
Re: Donald Trump
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Posted: 2019-01-16 10:13:39

Tegwane, I must decline getting into ANY discussion with you-EVER.

In another thread you already expressed your disdain for intellectuals. You said we are not street smart.

I will completely ignore your inane and ignorant remarks.

You are well beneath my notice.
Tegwane - Re: Donald Trump
Re: Donald Trump
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28 Feb 2018
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Posted: 2019-01-16 10:16:04

Nope never visited Palestine, visited Israel in the 70's, a distant memory.

Burfi you appear to be a knowledgeable person in regards to this issue, but by your emotive response I would say unintentionally biased. It does not interest me enough to read hundreds of books on this issue, as I believe there is no solution. Read the Haj, a tome but as a point of reference invaluable, even though fiction, it is in my opinion a brilliantly written book
Tegwane - Re: Donald Trump
Re: Donald Trump
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28 Feb 2018
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Posted: 2019-01-16 10:17:07
Edited: 2019-01-16 10:17:52

On 2019-01-16 10:13:39 Ben Layden said:
Tegwane, I must decline getting into ANY discussion with you-EVER.

In another thread you already expressed your disdain for intellectuals. You said we are not street smart.

I will completely ignore your inane and ignorant remarks.

You are well beneath my notice.

Everyone is entitled to an opinion, we just differ, if you cannot respond, I understand it's fine
Burfi - Re: Donald Trump
Re: Donald Trump
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4 Apr 2018
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Posted: 2019-01-16 10:22:17

On 2019-01-16 10:16:04 Tegwane said:
Nope never visited Palestine, visited Israel in the 70's, a distant memory.

Burfi you appear to be a knowledgeable person in regards to this issue, but by your emotive response I would say unintentionally biased. It does not interest me enough to read hundreds of books on this issue, as I believe there is no solution. Read the Haj, a tome but as a point of reference invaluable, even though fiction, it is in my opinion a brilliantly written book

Hardly an emotive response from my side. But judging from your response you are also unintentionally biased. If it doesn't interest you enough to understand it fully (based on historical facts, not works of fiction) then why bother comment.

Like I said, it's pointless to debate this on this forum. Let's just drop the mikes.
Tegwane - Re: Donald Trump
Re: Donald Trump
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28 Feb 2018
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Posted: 2019-01-16 10:34:45

On 2019-01-16 10:22:17 Burfi said:
On 2019-01-16 10:16:04 Tegwane said: Nope never visited Palestine, visited Israel in the 70's, a distant memory.

Burfi you appear to be a knowledgeable person in regards to this issue, but by your emotive response I would say unintentionally biased. It does not interest me enough to read hundreds of books on this issue, as I believe there is no solution. Read the Haj, a tome but as a point of reference invaluable, even though fiction, it is in my opinion a brilliantly written book

Hardly an emotive response from my side. But judging from your response you are also unintentionally biased. If it doesn't interest you enough to understand it fully (based on historical facts, not works of fiction) then why bother comment.

Like I said, it's pointless to debate this on this forum. Let's just drop the mikes.

History is based on the winners perception. I acknowledge I am not an expert, never professed to be. You are right I might have an unintentional bias but I am allowed, as you are allowed

Debating is interesting as it highlights people's strengths and weaknesses, but you can't debate against yourself though


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