On 2017-06-26 15:33:31 Veronica Franco said:
No shots fired, just dusted off the fingerpuppets and crayons!
On 2017-06-26 21:01:04 Minimee said:
I'm also travelling up that way this week. Anybody want to join me. Got excellent music in the car...but that's about all. (Can get a Wimpy burger along the way maybe)..LMGA..
On 2017-06-26 15:24:43 Veronica Franco said:
Okay, at face value this is why I posted what I did:
'Rumor' has it amongst some ladies that trev or someone else from Tzaneen asks the ladies to visit him @ R2000. My apologies if my assumptions don't ad up as rumor is just that!
There was no overwhelming response to the request on previous posts before, only one lady has responded and gone for it twice although he didn't contact her straight up the second time. For R10000, 2 hours and a bit of travel, most ladies would oblige, so why has only one lady ever gone, bringing me back to whether or not other ladies wouldn't have found it lucrative enough to go through once pms were exchanged etc because R10000 isnt chump change and few ladies would turn that down these days.
So, to direct method to my madness, I pushed to the point that Trev could put these rumors to rest and he did by stating what was on the table on a public platform. He would probably get a better response now but will have to pay what he stated if in fact there was any merit to the rumors.
Now the ladies have a better idea of what the case really is financialy and rumors are put to rest! Hence my comment....Enjoy ladies!