On 2017-05-29 08:35:04 yewrev said:
He might also be driving a porche and with the monthly installments on the car he can't afford to pay you ladies a decent fee, therefor the complains about rates.
On 2017-05-29 08:35:04 yewrev said:
He might also be driving a porche and with the monthly installments on the car he can't afford to pay you ladies a decent fee, therefor the complains about rates.
On 2017-05-29 08:53:38 Zimba said:
Yervew, u the man .. it will only take a man to get the drift.. hahaha bravo to u.
Now the case rests!!
On 2017-05-29 11:35:05 Paige said:
Upmarket clients pay for Upmarket ladies... Those clients pay for the WHOLE PACKAGE. It's not only about a pussy Zimba. Its about the venue, privacy, hygiene, professionalism, personality and the lady herself... and they pay it because they CAN! Whatever they pay a lady shouldn't be your problem Zimba. Why does it bother you so much what other men are paying ladies? We all know by now that you are a cheapskate. Stick with your own kind, go to a bar where it's available for free or go and wank at home.
Oops... then you might complain about the condoms you have to buy yourself... bugger!
On 2017-05-26 10:00:57 feetlover069 said:
900+ wow. Well done Vanilla
Let's change the topic to the top 10 highest rated WG/MG.
On 2017-05-26 09:49:19 330guy said:
Vanilla @ 900+
I refer to her as "The Phenomenon" as her rise to the number 1 spot has been nothing short of phenomenal
Her ad is paused today
On 2017-05-31 12:48:18 Climax said:
Iyooo @Paige if anything could be done I hope he never gets a booking with a girl...As we all can see he has no respect for women at all...