Keyzer Soze
Keyzer Soze - Re: virus
Re: virus
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26 May 2021
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Posted: 2021-12-02 14:18:21

On 2021-12-02 11:57:31 wild_one said:
@Kooni we are at 11 dead of the vaccine just in my area , and obviously they do their best to cover it up , but it has become so bad that nurses at the state clinic in town are telling people not to take the vaccine , they are starting to wake up

too late for many though , there is currently no way of reversing the process , it also appears that they are giving placebo's in many batches , obviously trying to stagger the deaths so its not so obvious

but you keep joking and laughing buddy , I grant you that much considering the sacrifice you made for humanity , obviously unknowingly but still appreciated

It looks like SuperFuck has got some competition. I cannot believe the amount of bullshit you spread on this forum.

So roughly 40% of the people in SA who have died after getting the jab came from your area?
Your area is sure getting hit hard by the vaccine, maybe get the drinking water tested as well.
youngbuck - Re: virus
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Posted: 2021-12-02 14:58:20

On 2021-12-02 11:57:31 wild_one said:
@Kooni we are at 11 dead of the vaccine just in my area , and obviously they do their best to cover it up , but it has become so bad that nurses at the state clinic in town are telling people not to take the vaccine , they are starting to wake up

too late for many though , there is currently no way of reversing the process , it also appears that they are giving placebo's in many batches , obviously trying to stagger the deaths so its not so obvious

but you keep joking and laughing buddy , I grant you that much considering the sacrifice you made for humanity , obviously unknowingly but still appreciated

Jirre what a load of utter kak
wild_one - Re: virus
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Posted: 2021-12-02 15:04:41
Edited: 2021-12-02 15:35:37

@Keyzer notsobright

the deaths were not recorded as "CONvid" , recorded as heart attacks
state directives make it clear that no death of the jab can be counted as convid vaccine related if it happens within two weeks of getting the jab due to the "fact' that the person might have had COnvid bedfore getting the shot , all just mumbo jumbo to keep people like you from waking up

man you guys are so ignorant

11 heart attacks all within two weeks of getting the vaccine , well i guess that was just coincidental what I would have thought , if I was as stupid as you seem to be
[deleted] - Re: virus
Re: virus
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Posted: 2021-12-02 15:27:10

Ons gaan almal vrek...

////////// Insidious //////////

Churchill - Re: virus
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Posted: 2021-12-02 15:41:06

If 11 people is 40% then about 25 people have officially died from the vaccine?
wild_one - Re: virus
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Posted: 2021-12-02 16:32:30
Edited: 2021-12-02 16:33:47

he was parroting J Adams , he doesn't have a clue how percentages work
more and more of the truth is coming out
StaalBurger48 - Re: virus
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Posted: 2021-12-02 17:52:19

On 2021-12-01 18:09:07 Arizona said:
Why are you all still even entertaining this debate? Vaxxer's have made their choice! Anti Vaxxer's have made their choice. No amount of debating or posting links defending your stance is going to change anyone's mind. All this is doing is inviting name calling, mud slinging, derogatory insults and causing a divide between friends and families.

Just respect each other and the fact that everyone has the right to Choose what they feel is right for them and leave it at that! If you don't agree with them. Move on and Mark them Absent!


See this is exactly why you are so popular. Because awesomeness.
Johnny English
Johnny English - Re: virus
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Posted: 2021-12-03 07:16:07
Edited: 2021-12-03 07:38:58

On 2021-12-01 18:09:07 Arizona said:
Why are you all still even entertaining this debate? Vaxxer's have made their choice! Anti Vaxxer's have made their choice. No amount of debating or posting links defending your stance is going to change anyone's mind. All this is doing is inviting name calling, mud slinging, derogatory insults and causing a divide between friends and families.

Just respect each other and the fact that everyone has the right to Choose what they feel is right for them and leave it at that! If you don't agree with them. Move on and Mark them Absent!


In the past when this issue was discussed, why do we carry on and on about this world changing phenomena that's afflicted us, the theory of the hypnotised masses was put forward (the mean shepherd who hypnotised his sheep fable) to some derision from the hypnotised.
I found the following written by Professor Mathias Desmet which explains why we (the unhypnotised) cannot let this go.

Prof. Mattias Desmet, is the leading psychological expert on tyranny and totalitarianism and how a crowd hypnosis forms made this crystal synopsis :

"Parents who are vaccinating their kids so eagerly are stepping into the crowd consciousness called 'mass formation' -- this social change happens when there is or has been a period of free floating anxiety --- and it is a step on the road to a totalitarian state
totalitarianism always starts with a mass formation inside the population --- it is not the same as dictatorship in a dictatorship people obey out of basic fear of the dictator at the top but

Totalitarianism is the opposite ..... people are hypnotized into the obedience "for the good of the collective".

We see this mass formation finding a new solidarity together as a collective --it brings them a solution to their anxiety- the narration and ideology around the pandemic and vaccines has become "the object of anxiety". where the free floating anxiety has found a target -- an object
all they know is their anxiety is gone and they now have an answer to their anxiety and have new meaning and a new sense of solidarity --- they are changed when this happens.

They are not rational anymore and not thinking critically like they once did. This is why we all know once very smart and compassionate friends that are now dumbed down and will not listen to any different voices --- they are intolerant and even mean or cruel.

In hypnotism the focus narrows and narrows until the subject cannot see outside their very narrow view of what is real.
Mass formation needs 4 conditions at the same time to take place.

This has now happened. The anxiety and lonely isolation many felt before the pandemic and during the pandemic found their perfect "object of anxiety" and is solidly locked on to the pandemic and vaccine narrative...they cannot be tolerant or allow dissent or different voices and don't want to even hear any questioning. If they wake up their "terrible anxiety" will return and the leaders of the mass formation cannot allow the mass to wake up either because when the mass wakes up and sees the true damage and loss they will be angry at those that did the damage and likely kill those leaders -- in history the organizers of a mass formation are always killed by those once hypnotized that wake up and see the real world again.

--- this is currently a social crisis.
--- and we do have a part to play.

Prof Desmet explains....

30% of people are deeply hypnotized.

40% are not but go along with the crowd --- if this 40% stop hearing dissenting voices of reason they will unite with the hypnotized to go along,
we are the last section.

The 30% that cannot be hypnotized; we must keep speaking out.

In totalitarianism when the last voices of dissent give up and become silent -- the mass then starts committing atrocities ---
for the sake of the solidarity and of the collective.

The unhypnotized 30% are a mixed band of different groups and varied religion and politics. If we don't find common ground to unite -- we lose and without the brave and continued voices of dissent those 40% fall...

Prof Desmet says the hypnotism and mass formation he now sees is a condition clearly leading to totalitarianism.

In a totalitarian state, once normal people commit atrocities thinking they are righteous.

If we unite the 30% who are awake and we stand together speaking every day to everyone we meet against the mass formation --- against the narrative --- the mass dissolves and the crisis is ended. "

Max.ledger - Re: virus
Re: virus
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Posted: 2021-12-03 08:45:38

What has got to do with us punters meeting sexy women ?
That's all I care about .....
Johnny English
Johnny English - Re: virus
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Posted: 2021-12-03 09:01:50
Edited: 2021-12-03 09:14:53

On 2021-12-03 08:45:38 Max.ledger said:
What has got to do with us punters meeting sexy women ?
That's all I care about .....

Unless this madness comes to an end, you won't be able to fart without them (authorities) knowing about it, let alone your privacy and discretion when you visit a WG.


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