[deleted] - Re: What do you do when you find the right lady?
Re: What do you do when you find the right lady?
More than 100 posts
Posted: 2016-04-19 22:00:48
Edited: 2016-04-19 22:12:04

To get back to the original post and the question of what to do when you meet the right lady ?

Let me start off by stating that I am pretty sure that the majority of the punters on this site is not here to meet their future wife. It is not a dating site, it is a punting site, so you as a punter will know that the ladies inhabiting this purple world is also not on this site primarily to look for a husband.

So, this is not exactly the place where you will go and look for the future Mrs. X

Secondly, the selection, and pardon me being inconsiderate, but the selection here is thin. Only about 2,000 ladies, out of a population of 55 million, so the sample selection here would not be statistically acceptable as being representative of available ladies.

Having said that, and again stating that our primary purpose here is not to find a wife, how absolutely wonderful must it not be to actually meet someone that would fit all of the criteria that you would specify for someone to be put on the shortlist of becoming your future Missus.

The first time that you saw her, blind, as she was put forward as a possibility after you experienced less than good service. The bright smile that lit up the room when you were introduced to her, the walk, in silence to the room as your usual casual banter just seem to vanish in the haze. Arriving in the room, she turning around, and you are struck by the improbable beauty of her face, the smile and the lips etching themselves into your brain, leaving no place for anything else. Even forgot her name.

She was not beautiful in the normal sense of the world, but her imperfections just made her all the more beautiful in your eyes. The voice was soft and slightly husky, she was way too young, and suddenly you were like a teenager again, the heart fluttering, perspiration in the back of your neck, not wanting her to leave the room, a single angry thought flashing through your brain that you have too little money to extend the booking for the rest of the day, blocking out the meetings with clients, already thinking up excuses not to attend, just to stay in the presence of this being.

Feeling scared, as this is the first time, ever ? , that you felt this way. Your usual well-planned life suddenly in turmoil, unsure of what to say, scared shitless that you might say the wrong thing.

The session went over like in a dream, unreal, for the life of me not remembering what absolute shit I spoke. Not wanting the session to end. The happy ending not even happening as your thoughts are in disarry, the usually sharply focused brain that was focused on coming and using for your own hedonistic pleasures, now helpless agianst the onslaught of her amazing personality. Helpless against the current of emotions flooding over you.

The overbearing thought one of just begging her to stay as long as possible.

Stumbling out of the room, rushing down to the ATM to draw more money, alas, to no avail, her last booking for the day arrived as I left. That feeling of emptiness now more pronounced as ever. Sleep never came that night, thoughts revolving around the angel I met that afternoon. Work now a distant memory as I battle to comprehend what happened. To no avail, eventually Bacchus took me in his arms and put me to rest.

Sunday came and went in a haze. Monday morning impatiently waiting for the venue to open. Called, she is only working Saturdays. No, how can that be. Fuck, how am I going to get through the week. Cancelled all travelling plans, booked 3 hours for Saturday afternoon.

And so it continued, until I realised that I wanted her in my life on a permanent basis.

Asked the question, was rejected.

Life became dull and cumbersome again.

The lesson in this ? Live for the moment. If it takes you by the scruff of your collar and turns your life upside down, then go for it. Don't hold back. It might, just might, work out for you.

If you never try, one will never know if it could have worked out or not.

The pain of rejection and loneliness is excruciating, but then again you realise that you are a human being, capable of feeling emotions.


(With a slight lump in my throat as I think back on those glory days.)
[deleted] - Re: What do you do when you find the right lady?
Re: What do you do when you find the right lady?
More than 100 posts
Posted: 2016-04-19 22:12:16

Life is a roller coaster, enjoy the ride!
martinm - Re: What do you do when you find the right lady?
Re: What do you do when you find the right lady?
Gold Member
10 Mar 2007
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Posted: 2016-04-19 22:19:34

@pieterd002 said it very eloquently, yes we find some very special ladies, yes we have a connection with them, yes the most important subject of sex with them is great , yes we really want to be with them a lot, but, fairly shortly thereafter we meet another such one!! This is the life of a punter, we have many special ladies and we enjoy them all!! A xx
[deleted] - Re: What do you do when you find the right lady?
Re: What do you do when you find the right lady?
More than 100 posts
Posted: 2016-04-22 18:32:34
Edited: 2016-04-22 18:33:31

Thanks Martin (A)

Yes you are correct, having gone through the trauma, I am cured forever from that affliction. There are so many nice ladies to choose from, and moving along at a rapid pace through them has made life a little more exiting. Now every new encounter is different, the energy levels varying, the "hunt" interesting.

It does feel a little like "canned hunting" , as there is always the certainty that you will score, nonetheless, it is still hunting , which seems to rhyme with punting .. I am a poet and I didn't know it...

And we are a special breed of men, punters, not all can aspire to this. You need certain character traits in order to qualify for this prestigious title.

Enough said.


[deleted] - Re: What do you do when you find the right lady?
Re: What do you do when you find the right lady?
More than 100 posts
Posted: 2016-04-22 19:35:01

But again to get back to the question in hand.

What to do when you find the right lady ?

Really simple answer :

Marry her and stop punting.

Real easy.

Layla - Re: What do you do when you find the right lady?
Re: What do you do when you find the right lady?
15 Mar 2016
Posts to Date: 27
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Posted: 2016-04-22 19:58:57


I still can't write long stories. I can however walk 30 steps to the car quite easily by now. Lol. I've got a shoulder for you and you know where to find me. Always welcome.

Short and schweet. ;-)
Desert Man
Desert Man - Re: What do you do when you find the right lady?
Re: What do you do when you find the right lady?
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9 Apr 2010
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Posted: 2016-04-22 20:28:28

In June its 4 years. Im married. She's divorced. I was on a once in a lifetime adventure. Many people followed my progress. My facebook was flooded. I paged through them all...amazed to read the comments. Suddenly this picture pops up. An aura around her face. Brighter than the rest.
2 years gone by and one day she made contact via fb. Innocent. I answered. She answered. We exchanged nrs. Chatted on BBM.
The chemistry was amazing to experience. Never expected a woman like this to be alive!
We met for coffee. I was hooked. Since then our friendship grew to the point where I realised...she's the perfect one.
But I also knew. Its not as easy as that. She wants more. I want to give more. But its not as easy as that.
In June its 4 years...
Davi_Returns - Re: What do you do when you find the right lady?
Re: What do you do when you find the right lady?
Basic Member
9 Apr 2016
Posts to Date: 9
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Posted: 2016-04-22 21:16:45

Alistair...think u have tasted every jewel out there.
[deleted] - Re: What do you do when you find the right lady?
Re: What do you do when you find the right lady?
More than 100 posts
Posted: 2016-04-23 10:15:32
Edited: 2016-04-23 10:15:56

Desert Man

This is a great story, and I am sure this was just the first installment.

Would love to know how this works out. I am a sucker for happy endings...

Good luck, and yes, it ain't easy, nor will it get easier if you do decide to follow your heart.

Meg - Re: What do you do when you find the right lady?
Re: What do you do when you find the right lady?
13 Aug 2008
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Posted: 2016-04-25 07:07:51

Verbode vrugte is altyd lekker..... No I dont think this is going somewhere.
Somethings are beta to enjoy while its still there.
Never build a house on the clouds, its unstable....rather build a house on rocks or sand and you know the foundation is stable.

My saying...... TO HAVE BUT NOT TO HOLD.
A reason a season a period and a lifetime, thats how everyone that cross my path, will be part of my life.
Now lets enjoy it for what it is.....a good time without any guilt.


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