On 2017-11-15 18:55:43 jonnys said:
A sucker is born per minute. Including ESA hosting the advert.
On 2017-11-16 06:39:57 Meg said:
Ybmormal what you on about jealousy?
It's aboit EDA rules that we can't advertise other ladies on our page or personal galary.
I'm not jealous of any lady here on ESA.
We all pay our way and do what works for us.
We go by the ESA rules but sometimes it's been changed as they see fit.
Does het add affect YOU?
Are YOU a advertiser on ESA and does her add do anything for you as a WG's business?
Perhaps that's a No!?
So then in my opinion (I do have one) ,,,,please get the facts straight.
We paying for our add and little space here on ESA. There's NO time for freeloading sorry.