Jerraz - Re: 'Rape' bare by SP - what would you do
Re: 'Rape' bare by SP - what would you do
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2 Jan 2019
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Posted: 2021-10-24 08:10:52

On 2021-10-24 02:24:43 Helicockter said:
On 2021-10-24 01:46:04 Helicockter said: To the SP, you have asked me to keep quiet for the sake of your kids, as this is your only source of income.

My heart aches for your kids.

But I have a greater responsibility to my fellow punters and, would hate the decline in consumers this may put on all other SP's, as punters will be left guessing.

Most importantly, you couldn't be concerned of my health and putting my life at risk. How selfish of you!

Hey bro, I gather that you are in Pretoria and the social circle here can be very small as somebody knows somebody here always.

My suggestion is to be calm. The wife and perhaps kids can never find out. I get that. Living like this can be anxious and you will naturally feel alone in this. Speak to us to feel better like you have been.

I also suggest that you get tested somewhere a bit further like Midrand or Sandton. The drive is not too bad but at least the chances of seeing someone you know will be less.

Thank you for having the courage to name and shame. I'm sure this is greatly appreciated the fellow punters.

Good luck on the outcome of all of this. Be positive. I'm sure all will be fine in the end.
kevman - Re: 'Rape' bare by SP - what would you do
Re: 'Rape' bare by SP - what would you do
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19 Nov 2015
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Posted: 2021-10-24 08:17:35

Everyone saying he should get tested as soon as possible, you are aware the detection window is like 4 weeks?
So if he tests now he will show negative if he just got infected.
Only after 4 weeks can you be sure the test is accurate as to the result it gives.

As other said, best course of action is PEP if it's not too late for that.
Miss Red (aka Louise)
Miss Red (aka Louise) - Re: 'Rape' bare by SP - what would you do
Re: 'Rape' bare by SP - what would you do
17 May 2018
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Posted: 2021-10-24 08:17:47

On 2021-10-24 07:59:19 kevman said:
A SP told me the other day that esa requires HIV test results from them every 3 months.

Can any SP weigh in on this?

This is a BS story you where told.. Esa is a advertising platform, nothing else. They do not police SPs or Punters health statuses.

That would be like the SABC asking anyone that wants to run an add on SABC channels,to show SABC their accounting books before allowing them to advertise on SABC channels.

There are venues though that do require their ladies to test regularly.

And I want to believe that most responsible SPs does test regularly.

kevman - Re: 'Rape' bare by SP - what would you do
Re: 'Rape' bare by SP - what would you do
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19 Nov 2015
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Posted: 2021-10-24 08:23:04

Thanks Sage, Miss Red, for weighing in.
balasbak - Re: 'Rape' bare by SP - what would you do
Re: 'Rape' bare by SP - what would you do
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21 Oct 2019
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Posted: 2021-10-24 08:25:59

Hope you don't need to do the ARV course of meds ... it was horrendous ... happened to me a long time before I joined ESA at a strip club ... when I was drinking ... worst couple of weeks of my life taking those meds ...
kevman - Re: 'Rape' bare by SP - what would you do
Re: 'Rape' bare by SP - what would you do
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19 Nov 2015
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Posted: 2021-10-24 08:27:17

On 2021-10-24 08:17:35 kevman said:
Everyone saying he should get tested as soon as possible, you are aware the detection window is like 4 weeks?
So if he tests now he will show negative if he just got infected.
Only after 4 weeks can you be sure the test is accurate as to the result it gives.

As other said, best course of action is PEP if it's not too late for that.

Further to this point, this is why if Galaxy can get a test done, the punter might get some relief and peace of mind as to her status (excluding the past 4 weeks, give or take).

What blows my mind is how a SP would actually risk and expose herself like that, unless her attitude is just a fuck you one and she doesn't care what happens to her.
kevman - Re: 'Rape' bare by SP - what would you do
Re: 'Rape' bare by SP - what would you do
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19 Nov 2015
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Posted: 2021-10-24 08:29:12

On 2021-10-24 08:25:59 balasbak said:
Hope you don't need to do the ARV course of meds ... it was horrendous ... happened to me a long time before I joined ESA at a strip club ... when I was drinking ... worst couple of weeks of my life taking those meds ...

Why was your dick out at a strip club ?
Galaxy The Original @ Be-sensu
Galaxy The Original @ Be-sensu - Re: 'Rape' bare by SP - what would you do
Re: 'Rape' bare by SP - what would you do
31 Oct 2017
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Posted: 2021-10-24 08:44:28

This story has two sides.

We did our session and in the heat of the moment things happened that shouldn't have. It wasn't just from my side but also on his part. What happened was completely wrong and I did apologize. I didn't rape you. And while in the act you never pulled back :( I do take blame and like I said did apologize but you weren't as innocent as you claim.

I am not keeping any results from him. I did go to a government clinic and had tests done. I have been battling my ass off getting the results from them and did explain that in a private message to the OP. I am trying to get money together to go to a private clinic for a test.

I have been in contact with the OP. I have two beautiful daughters and would never do anything to jeopardize my health on purpose.

I haven't read all the comments yet but just know that a lot of stones have been thrown my way. And this I will also take, get up anddust myself off. I made a mistake like we all do in life and will definitely not make it again.
kevman - Re: 'Rape' bare by SP - what would you do
Re: 'Rape' bare by SP - what would you do
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19 Nov 2015
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Posted: 2021-10-24 08:51:06

Out of curiosity, what test did you get done that you are waiting for the results?
Ivanka - Re: 'Rape' bare by SP - what would you do
Re: 'Rape' bare by SP - what would you do
29 Apr 2021
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Posted: 2021-10-24 08:54:41

So sorry if that happened to you. It is beyond reckless, selfish and unprofessional on her part.

I do understand that people can get caught up in the moment especially when aroused, with one's partner. Not a punter, not in this line of work! Safety first! She should have put the Condom on the second she felt like she is ready for action.
She is human and so are you. Maybe she was just really super attracted to you and it really just was a "innocent mistake" in the heat of the moment. But the fact that she is running around in circles about testing makes me question her intentions and it does not sound like an innocent mistake. Sounds like malafide actions to me.

Now one had to wonder how often she does this

Get tested ASAP and in the next 3 months.

Good luck

To everyone do not forget to condomise and be safe



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