Posted: 2015-11-20 08:52:07
Edited: 2015-11-20 09:12:21
Yes, #Religious fanaticism must fall, and so too #divide and rule must fall.
And now the same people/rulers or their agents, who have bombed and destroyed millions of people, who own and control the Western media are managing to convince Christians and other denominations that 1.6 million Muslims are either terrorists or dangerous.
Rule and divide - the rulers, ancient and modern can only rule a divided world where its subjects are divided and weak.
We had it in South African not more than 25 years ago, when the then apartheid rulers/regime who controlled the media and state tried to and largely succeeded in making whites believe that all blacks were communists or terrorists or both.
The free world is not so free anymore, living in fear of the tarnished ones, giving up their freedoms, unable to express a differing opinion without being discredited and a lot worse, forced to be vaccinated, to be micro-chipped, they can track your every movement, us the obedient servants to the rulers. George Orwell said it all in his book 1984.
The plan has expanded from the Middle East to Ukraine and Russia and soon to the South China sea, hoping to pit Japan, against China, the former already revoking its post-war decree never to raise arms abroad.
This "us" and "them" mentality the warmongers and rulers are feeding its servants is working a treat.
When in fact it is "us" the workers, the average citizen, human just trying to make a living, provide for our families and live in harmony with our fellow citizens and fellow human world dwellers. The "them" are the "warmongers", the 'politicians', the religious zealots, the "profit mongers", the royal bloods who control the media, the finances, banking, health (pharma) and ultimately control the minds of the citizens of the world.