oraljim - Re: Casanata asked me to post because he can't.
Re: Casanata asked me to post because he can't.
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3 Sep 2013
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Posted: 2021-05-18 23:09:20

On 2021-05-18 22:55:00 Ben Layden said:
This thread makes me smile at the hypocrisy of some of these virtue signalers.
The very same who respond to my posts in a bullying and intimidating way calling me a "pseudo-intellectual".

That sounds like something I might have said. If it was me, I sincerely apologise. Nothing pseudo about your intellect at all - it's the real deal.
JP82 - Re: Casanata asked me to post because he can't.
Re: Casanata asked me to post because he can't.
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24 Jun 2018
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Posted: 2021-05-18 23:46:11

On 2021-05-18 23:08:24 oraljim said:
JP you really need to stop editing context. My message was actually in response to something that *KICKASS* wrote, not Lesley. He was saying is hard to ignore people like Casanatstra because they feel they can do as they please. I said what they feel doesn't matter. I also completely and utterly disagree with your sentiment that ""when someone reports abuse of any nature, and you respond with "You should have done X", the implication is that the victim is (at least partly) to blame for what happened because they failed to do X". If that is really your opinion then it is essentially impossible to ever give anybody any advice ever. There is absolutely *ZERO* implication of anything.

Bottom line: I think the way Lesley was treated was terrible and I am glad I didn't have the day she did. I think you are seriously confused about basic English and simple communications that had absolutely nothing to do with you. I never for even a second thought Lesley was to blame for anything so all of your psycho-babble about implications and crap like that is just absolute nonsense. If you have followed me *AT ALL* on the forums you should bloody well know that I don't ever ever EVER *IMPLY* anything. I come right out and say what I mean. I am now, and always have been, as subtle as a thermonuclear device. Stop looking for hidden meanings and complex motivations where naked truth and simple ones are present.

1) Do some research on what victim--blaming is and how it operates, please. I'm tired of trying to educate the wilfully ignorant.

2) It is entirely possible to give advice to someone. But there is a time and place for it. When they are reporting abuse is not the appropriate time to do it. (At uni I was a sub-warden in one of the residences and we had to do a course on trauma counselling as like first-aid, in case a student came to us with some issue, so that we could be supportive and didn't fuck it up before we could get professionals involved. Like the first thing they taught us was not to tell them what they should've done or should not have done. For precisely the reasons I've explained above).

3) Whether you like it or not, and whether you intend it or not, language comes with both explicit and implicit meaning. E.g. "All chimpanzees are mammals. Bob is a chimpanzee." There is an inescapable conclusion to draw from that. We all know what it is (except maybe those of us with comp sci honours degrees), and yet no-one has said it (yet). (when someone does come along, sees those two sentences and points out that Bob must be a mammal, it's not because he has been searching for "hidden meaning".

4) Like I said in my apology, I believe that your intentions were good, so I'm not questioning your motivation, or suggesting that the implication was intentional, but the implication is there none-the-less
oraljim - Re: Casanata asked me to post because he can't.
Re: Casanata asked me to post because he can't.
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3 Sep 2013
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Posted: 2021-05-19 00:04:35

On 2021-05-18 23:46:11 JP82 said:
3) Whether you like it or not, and whether you intend it or not, language comes with both explicit and implicit meaning. E.g. "All chimpanzees are mammals. Bob is a chimpanzee."

This will be the last thing I say on the topic because this is really getting into esoteric semantics but there is a massive distinction in debate between logical connections such as what you just quoted versus inference, especially conversational inference. It looks good as an argument to the uninitiated but I am wise to these tricks. There is absolutely zero equivalence between your example and what I said.

Please also realise that what I said wasn't directed at Lesley - hence it was NOT victim blaming. It was in reply to KICKASS and was addressed to all of us who have fed this troll, who must be delighting in this spat between you and I. I also stand by what I said wholeheartedly - feeding the trolls is a bad idea because that is what they want. Peace.
Ben Layden
Ben Layden - Re: Casanata asked me to post because he can't.
Re: Casanata asked me to post because he can't.
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30 Dec 2005
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Posted: 2021-05-19 07:02:47

On 2021-05-18 23:09:20 oraljim said:
On 2021-05-18 22:55:00

That sounds like something I might have said. If it was me, I sincerely apologise. Nothing pseudo about your intellect at all - it's the real deal.

OJ our views differ diametrically on many topics. No it was not you who made that vacuous remark. You play the ball, not the man.
I make no claims to intellectualism. But I do have discernment enough to call out hypocrisy when I see it.
shoeguy - Re: Casanata asked me to post because he can't.
Re: Casanata asked me to post because he can't.
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22 Jun 2018
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Posted: 2021-05-19 07:38:38

What a remarkable lady Lesley is, shame on u guys for bullying her
oraljim - Re: Casanata asked me to post because he can't.
Re: Casanata asked me to post because he can't.
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3 Sep 2013
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Posted: 2021-05-19 07:53:54

On 2021-05-19 07:38:38 shoeguy said:
What a remarkable lady Lesley is, shame on u guys for bullying her

Thanks for weighing in. No-one bullied Lesley.
[deleted] - Re: Casanata asked me to post because he can't.
Re: Casanata asked me to post because he can't.
More than 100 posts
Posted: 2021-05-19 08:46:09

On 2021-05-18 15:49:52 Mr Easy D said:
On 2021-05-18 15:40:52 Cunilinkiss said: Not the first time Lesley posted personal emails elsewhere...

Cass wanted Lesley to be banned
Lesley is also an attention seeker hiding behind anxiety issues. Someone that has anxiety wouldn't create drama, they stay away from it.

Punters beware seems like Lesley has a reputation of sharing personal emails and messages.

I did not want her to be banned. My posting ability is limited thanks to her bf. I sent her the message and told her she could post it on the forum. I did this in case she accused me of harassing her over PMs hence I gave her permission to post my PMs publicly. I was not aware that its a banable offence (considering that I gave her permission to do it).

After the ban i sent a message to esa asking if they could unban her since it was my fault as i did ask her to do it. Her livelihood depends on this forum so I did not want her and to be banned because of me.

People can make up their own minds and say what they want to say.
[deleted] - Re: Casanata asked me to post because he can't.
Re: Casanata asked me to post because he can't.
More than 100 posts
Posted: 2021-05-19 08:53:07

Real recognizes real.

Thank you to all the real people in this forum. You are not fooled by charades and deceit.

Shakira - Re: Casanata asked me to post because he can't.
Re: Casanata asked me to post because he can't.
3 Aug 2020
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Posted: 2021-05-19 08:55:41

After the ban i sent a message to esa asking if they could unban her since it was my fault as i did ask her to do it. Her livelihood depends on this forum so I did not want her and to be banned because of me.

People can make up their own minds and say what they want to say.[/QUOTE]

Who is her bf that you keep talking about?
A plot twist to the tale, atleast you asked to unban her that was good deed!
Mr Easy D
Mr Easy D - Re: Casanata asked me to post because he can't.
Re: Casanata asked me to post because he can't.
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23 Sep 2020
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Posted: 2021-05-19 10:00:59

I said this from the start, Lesley is an attention seeker. A buddy of mine booked a treatment with her, she portrays herself to be the best thing that happened to Cresta. Her attitude shows on here too. She will do something just to prove a point for attention.

she quickly mentioned she had to pay a fine but forgot to mention that Cassanata asked for her to be unbanned. Isn't that biased?

As Cassanata the real ones will see through the Bull shit.
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