On 2017-06-01 18:54:53 Se_kaas said:
On 2017-06-01 17:15:56 Veronica Franco said: Esa rules: The slightest derogatory racial and/or religious remark will result in immediate banning without warning.
Perhaps ESA should elaborate further on this rule as it seems to be overlooked time after time!
Waar val djy uit girl?
But seriously what constitutes "derogatory"? How is it defined in the context of this forum? Political Correctness is for tree hugging nancy pansies who need everything sugar coated for them. Mense must realy stop being so over sensitive over kak.
On 2017-06-01 19:07:20 Veronica Franco said:
On 2017-06-01 20:52:10 Pseudonyms said:
.... but why do most South Africans hold this view? It drives me up the wall. One of the reasons why Zupta is in charge - no unity in this country.
On 2017-06-01 22:10:08 John_Benz said:
On 2017-06-01 20:52:10 Pseudonyms said:
.... but why do most South Africans hold this view? It drives me up the wall. One of the reasons why Zupta is in charge - no unity in this country.
.... that is all MY post was questioning! that I not being a saffer myself didn't realise them old time "barring signs" are still very much in place firm (in places one would least expect).....
Folks, for progress sake lets not sugar coat things or give not so lekker issues nice/polite sounding terms (like preference etc.). It is what it is .... call it by its ugly name! Lets probably leave it here.
On 2017-06-01 22:33:19 Veronica Franco said:
How then does one explain black ladies that prefer white men? - Racial discrimination, even black women who only see black men would be racial discrimination. Or white woman who only see black men or visa versa. Not an attack on white people although it may seem that way because they tend to hold these views most often.
Is that not a preference or are they racist too?
- making a blanket choice of an entire group based on race, its racial discrimination and thus 'racist'
Why then can ladies of other races not have a preference too?
-They can have preference, just like anybody else, but if their preference is based on race its racist.
Nobody is sugar coating anything, but I think given our past as a nation, we have the right to such preference.
- Absolutely, however if you use your right in a racial discriminatory manner, others have the right to call you out for it.
Is it right that such still exists? Probably not, but we see racial segregation even today, by each race no less, separating themselves from the rest.
- So you agree that it's not right yet you defend it because of its prevalence. How would you feel if I said 'Beating women is not right, but because of our past and the fact that lots of people are doing it we should just not say anything about it and keep our nose buried in the sand'
They have the right to live amongst each other just as we have the right to choose who we allow into our personal space.
- Again you have that right, but others also have the right to call out being treated a certain way due to the colour of one's skin.