On 2017-03-08 00:59:35 ESA SUPPORT said:
You claim freedom of speech and expression does not apply here yet here you are exercising both freedoms openly. This matter has clearly gravely distressed you.
You claim to not care yet your behavior says something quite different. Be at peace let it go, like the frozen song.
On 2017-03-10 00:08:35 oraljim said:
Well I didn't think it possible but LooneyTunes is even worse at letting shit go than I am, and that takes some doing!
Also, Looney, as someone who has operated a fair number of websites let me shatter your illusions: you absolutely do *NOT* have any freedom of speech, expression etc. You have absolutely no legal rights whatsoever in fact. The website owner can be as capricious as they want and ban ONLY you, or silence you, or edit your posts, or do any darned thing they want. Even if it didn't exist, the site terms of service pretty much state that. You are using their resources by their good graces, and the legal right to free speech that applies to your rights in public have absolutely no bearing on a private website, even though that site is generally accessible to the public.
On 2017-03-10 00:38:48 Minime007 said:
@Looney....so are you not going to post on any other threads now? Is this the end...deleting this profile now?
On 2017-03-10 08:06:33 Minime007 said:
LMGA...if the account was created to warn everybody against Sammy Lee (which you did...thanks)....then how would there be a possibility that you might need it (account) again? Are you planning to visit Sammy Lee again.....or are you just addicted to the forum now?