On 2017-04-10 15:10:01 Mike23 said:
Comon okes. Sometimes there is truth to stereotypes.
My painter told me this weekend that he refuses to do paint work for Indian guys. He says every time he has done so in the past, comes pay day after everything is done they try and negotiate and pay him less, even though price was agreed to upfront.
Of-course this is not everyone, but Indian guys are known to be hard bargainers and deal-makers. Its in there culture and upbringing isn't it?
On 2017-04-09 11:45:38 ESA SUPPORT said:
We have received a large number of consistent complaints from our advertisers concerning a small group of Indian men whom use various methods to reduce the agreed price of service after they've received their service, various forms of harassment are being used including repeated phone calls.
There has been a severe increase in complaints in the past 3 months prompting us to give warning. I write to ask the small group of Indian men to stop this behavior or it could result in many advertisers declining their service to Indian males, this outcome would be most unfortunate due to the poor behaviour of a small group of men.
The advertisers however are collectively becoming distressed with this issue and they do have a right to choose who they offer service to.
Kind regards
On 2017-04-10 21:46:52 julian said:
Think mr Haze having a titty wobble because he's an Indian.
The facts as stated are that it is a group of Indians not whites not blacks not coloureds .
What did you want Eddie to say?
A group of punters?
That's taking political correctness to an absurd level.
And yes in my business Indians more than any other race try to bargain.
I don't find it offensive in fact I now also bargain whenever I can.
The wrong thing here is to bargain after the service has been rendered.
That is really not on.
Even having had terrible punts in my life I have never not paid for the agreed amount.
Just put it to school fees and fortunately on ESA one can vent and expose the really poor service providers.
So mr Haze stop trying to make this a racial issue because it's not.
On 2017-04-10 21:46:52 julian said:
Think mr Haze having a titty wobble because he's an Indian.
The facts as stated are that it is a group of Indians not whites not blacks not coloureds .
What did you want Eddie to say?
A group of punters?
That's taking political correctness to an absurd level.
And yes in my business Indians more than any other race try to bargain.
I don't find it offensive in fact I now also bargain whenever I can.
The wrong thing here is to bargain after the service has been rendered.
That is really not on.
Even having had terrible punts in my life I have never not paid for the agreed amount.
Just put it to school fees and fortunately on ESA one can vent and expose the really poor service providers.
So mr Haze stop trying to make this a racial issue because it's not.