Sorry guys I had lovely company over this evening.
Amsohornee please do take into account that you can attend the activities and not partake in it, all that is needed is the entrance fee to attend the event.
Arhwen as usual you are an absolute fantastic woman with class and compassion!
For everyone that wants to donate and not attend. I have spoken to their financial manager you can do a direct cash donation at their facilities or donate via EFT at and have the selection of whatever projects you would like to support (if flabbergasted choose the first donation as will the pot of this event).
I would like to ask whomever donates PM's me as I would like to write personal and a bit of a public statement of thank you.
Thanks for everyone for the support so far, and most of all for Syren and the Ladies at The Doll House for making this a reality.
We still have two weeks to go so lets get all of the other SSS members involved.