[deleted] - Re: Donald Trump
Re: Donald Trump
Less than 40 posts
Posted: 2019-01-16 19:34:22
Edited: 2019-01-16 19:35:27

On 2019-01-16 18:52:14 Inai said:
Always interesting how the immigrants want to at all cost get out of their shithole countries. Then within a few years of arrival in the new country, they start complaining about the "new" country's rules, laws and traditions. Next thing they try to change it, so that it can become more like the country from which they fled...

Pretty much like our ancestors who came to Africa from Europe. Great Trek and all that.
Mike Hock
Mike Hock - Re: Donald Trump
Re: Donald Trump
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3 Feb 2014
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Posted: 2019-01-16 21:04:01

The Democrats and Republican were lining there pockets for years screwing over the workers allowing jobs to go off to China/Mexico, now Trump is changing all of that.

Democratic agree with Trump trade tariffs on China/Mexico which they were to scared to impose on China/Mexico as that would hurt the corporations and wealthy individual who funded there political campaigns, where as Trump used his own money for his campaign and doesn't owe anyone which he is taking full advantage of.

Tegwane - Re: Donald Trump
Re: Donald Trump
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28 Feb 2018
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Posted: 2019-01-18 07:40:23

On 2019-01-16 17:37:03 Me and You said:
I'd like to invite Donald over for a Barbie. Imagine the stories he can tell about Stormy Daniels etc. Just to tie in to this forum.

Forget stormy, what about the clintons
[deleted] - Re: Donald Trump
Re: Donald Trump
Less than 40 posts
Posted: 2019-01-18 09:20:59


You think Don had a threesome with Hillary and Billy ?

FransVK - Re: Donald Trump
Re: Donald Trump
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18 Jan 2019
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Posted: 2019-01-18 10:34:32

Trump up some support.......
Miss Barbie Doll
Miss Barbie Doll - Re: Donald Trump
Re: Donald Trump
16 Feb 2016
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Posted: 2019-01-18 10:51:16

On 2019-01-18 09:20:59 Me and You said:

You think Don had a threesome with Hillary and Billy ?

No I think with Obama and Michelle and Melania seemed to have enjoyed Obama's dick way too much that she can't hold herself when around him,instead just smile.And Trump wasn't good at all,it hurts both Michelle had to suggest to Obama to invite Bush jnr he even bought her chew gum to say thank you in public,he didn't know I was watching them hahahahaha.
numb - Re: Donald Trump
Re: Donald Trump
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17 Aug 2011
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Posted: 2019-01-18 12:58:56
Edited: 2019-01-18 13:29:01

I'm willing to bet 70% or more of posters in this forum have never so much as set foot in the USA let alone lived or worked there which makes me wonder why so many comment as if they have an informed opinion. Informed by what/who? The person who shouts loudest or has the most followers/views on social media?

Incidentally "tariff" is another name for "import duty". Last time I checked, the importer (and eventually the consumer) pays import duties. Example, if South Africa started a trade war with Asia and increased tariffs, South Africans would pay more for all their electronics imported from said Asian countries. If that is the case how would South Africans be "winners" in such a scenario.

Yes. Raise tariffs on China. Who gives a f*ck?

Well. How many movies are currently partially financed by Alibaba and Tencent? Speaking of Tencent.... what percentage of Napsers market value derived from its stake in Tencent? What percentage of the JSE market value is Naspers? So yes. Love the guy all you want just realise that every time he f*cks someone over it very likley is hitting you in your wallet and its not just the stock market. The Trump tax cuts have inflated the US stock market which in turn made the US$ stronger than it should have been which..... translated to a weaker Rand and higher prices and inflation.

Raising tariffs on china in an attempt to do things like have iPhones manufactured in the USA is stupid because a lot of the reason the iPhone exists is Shenzen and the electronics ecosystem that exists there. It is near impossible to replicate.

And earlier in this thread someone mentioned walls and keeping foreigners out of SA. To that I will say this. Estonia. Population 1,3 million has a start-up program where they make it stupidly easy for godforaken foreigners to set-up IT based companies. The top 10 companies have a combined $980 million invested in them.

Does anyone here remember Michelle and her pearls of wisdom?

[QUOTE;580592;Michelle] Trump is definitely the better option but unfortunately before he can be sworn in Obama will suspend the process
and declare martial law on the basis of civil unrest and stay in power for who knows how long. Within the next 3 months all this will show itself to be true. Don't believe me then do some serious research. As a start please go to U-tube and search the following topics. Don't stop there. Do research in whatever manner you choose. We are in for a scary time indeed.

Obama 3rd Term.
Martial Law
RFID Microchip Implant
Fema Box Cars/Trains
Fema Camps
Fema Death Camps
Fema Coffins
New World Order

There is a hell of a lot of videos on all these topics. This will be affecting the whole world.


69% of Americans do not have enough savings to cover a $1k/R14k emergency

All that dystopian sci-fi sh*t we watch on TV and the movies and assumed it was just fiction and would never happen? Its already started
Merlot - Re: Donald Trump
Re: Donald Trump
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26 Mar 2003
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Posted: 2019-01-18 13:22:27

Trump: He tell rather large porkies continually, must keep the "fact checkers" in a job. Then he's got his whole family doing the same ....

Couldn't believe during the election campaign he told so many lies and no one picked him up on it - Yes i was in USA for 9 months over election period!

He is:
Morally bankrupt ..... many more things

I don't think i like him lol :-)
Mike Hock
Mike Hock - Re: Donald Trump
Re: Donald Trump
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3 Feb 2014
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Posted: 2019-01-18 20:19:13

Trump doesn't care how much iPhones cost, all he cares about is creating jobs, two years of Trump administration has created on average 200,000 jobs per month

Trumps main goal is to sell US products in the Chinese market as the Chinese consumer market is closed to a lot of US products

The AGOA agreement allows SA goods to be sold in the US eliminating import levies, Example BMW has a plant in Rosslyn which exports cars to the US duty-free. this applies to all kind of products in turn creating thousands of jobs , oh by the way the expropriation bill gets passed by parliament the US will termite AGOA agreement resulting in thousands of jobs losses when BMW and the like scale back staff and not to mention the Rand dropping like a stone (In terms of section 104 of the act, the sub-Saharan African countries eligible for Agoa have to commit to protecting private property rights).

The Rand would be stronger without government antics firing Nene and replacing with a van Rooyen the puppet and Zuma's hand so far up his ass , also 27.5% unemployment is one of the many issues putting pressure on the Rand, the only thing propping up the Rand is 6.75% interest rate as international trades buy the Rand for it high returns

The 2nd amendment says the right of the people to keep and bear Arm. US citizens own 40% of all guns in world and most people who have firearms are republicans
[deleted] - Re: Donald Trump
Re: Donald Trump
More than 100 posts
Posted: 2019-01-19 06:09:54
Edited: 2019-01-19 06:12:33



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