Arizona - Re: What is the average that a wg earns per month?
Re: What is the average that a wg earns per month?
17 Feb 2004
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Posted: 2021-07-08 23:20:53
Edited: 2021-07-09 00:21:37

On 2021-07-08 22:43:46 Frank White said:
On 2021-07-08 21:49:55 Arizona said: This question has been asked so many times over the years? And its always asked innocently, apparently without being disrespectful?
I was just asking? It never ceases to amaze me how so many people are interested in what we make? Then there are always these "hypothetical calculations done by the Punter's? Not the ladies?

So based on the fact that you just innocently asked and I am not being disrespectful, let me ask you all a question with the same sincerity? Seeing as we are all getting acquainted and it's ok to ask personal questions?

How much does it cost you to maintain your wife? What are your expenses to contributing to her lifestyle? Oh and don't be shy, add in the holidays, botox, shopping trips, car repayments, insurance, rent, groceries, hairdresser, salon trips, girls lunches, clothing, shoes. Now take that monthly amount that it costs you and divide it by the amount of blow jobs and sex you had from her during the month and please tell me what her charges were per session?

I am just curious.


Not all women are a liability looking for a hand out from men. There are actually a lot of succesful independent women and they are married too.

Based on your warped logic, any woman that's ever had a sexual act with any man that she is married or in a relationship with is a prostitute because you are asking to put a value to every sexual act that's happened. That includes your mother and granny too by the way. How much were their blowjobs to dad and grandpa based on your line of thinking?

I must also add that your comparison to a wife is also off and out of place. You are not a wife or a mother to the kids if any of your clients.

The question was simple, how much on average does a wg make from selling her services to clients. I think we've established its impossible to say and irrelevant, that means it's nobody's business what the answer is, so this wife comparison is entirely left field and nonsensical.

Thank you for your response Frank. That was the point I was trying to make. It's impossible and irrelevant. And it's nobody's business! And what a punter spends on his wife is none of my business. Just as much as what we earn, or spend our money on, is no one else's business!

[deleted] - Re: What is the average that a wg earns per month?
Re: What is the average that a wg earns per month?
More than 100 posts
Posted: 2021-07-08 23:32:45

On 2021-07-08 23:20:53 Arizona said:
On 2021-07-08 22:43:46 Frank White said: On 2021-07-08 21:49:55 Arizona said: This question has been asked so many times over the years? And its always asked innocently, apparently without being disrespectful?
I was just asking? It never ceases to amaze me how so many people are interested in what we make? Then there are always these "hypothetical calculations done by the Punter's? Not the ladies?

So based on the fact that you just innocently asked and I am not being disrespectful, let me ask you all a question with the same sincerity? Seeing as we are all getting acquainted and it's ok to ask personal questions?

How much does it cost you to maintain your wife? What are your expenses to contributing to her lifestyle? Oh and don't be shy, add in the holidays, botox, shopping trips, car repayments, insurance, rent, groceries, hairdresser, salon trips, girls lunches, clothing, shoes. Now take that monthly amount that it costs you and divide it by the amount of blow jobs and sex you had from her during the month and please tell me what her charges were per session?

I am just curious.


Not all women are a liability looking for a hand out from men. There are actually a lot of succesful independent women and they are married too.

Based on your warped logic, any woman that's ever had a sexual act with any man that she is married or in a relationship with is a prostitute because you are asking to put a value to every sexual act that's happened. That includes your mother and granny too by the way. How much were their blowjobs to dad and grandpa based on your line of thinking?

I must also add that your comparison to a wife is also off and out of place. You are not a wife or a mother to the kids if any of your clients.

The question was simple, how much on average does a wg make from selling her services to clients. I think we've established its impossible to say and irrelevant, that means it's nobody's business what the answer is, so this wife comparison is entirely left field and nonsensical.

Thank you for your response Frank. That was the point I was trying to make. It's impossible and irrelevant. And it's nobody's business! And what a punter spends on his wife is none of my business. Just as much as what we earn, or spend our money on, is no one else's business!


Ok, we're on the same page then :).
IOverflow - Re: What is the average that a wg earns per month?
Re: What is the average that a wg earns per month?
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16 Apr 2017
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Posted: 2021-07-08 23:37:42

I think the how much you earn will be the sensitive topic to anyone, no matter which industry you are in.
Lots of people will reply the same way where it's none of your business.

At the same time I see the positive side to it as well. I am open about my salary, where if I see someone getting underpaid badly, I would tell them hey do you know that you are being screwed over with your salary. I would also like for someone doing the same to me as well.

But yes thats besides the point, this thread was just out of curiosity see the ranges of how much an wg can earn from the lowest to the highest.
And yes there is many factors to consider, but call each scenario a story.
I love hearing stories.
I'm not personally looking at how much this person earns.
Arizona - Re: What is the average that a wg earns per month?
Re: What is the average that a wg earns per month?
17 Feb 2004
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Posted: 2021-07-08 23:51:58
Edited: 2021-07-08 23:53:47

Dbl post. Sorry.
Arizona - Re: What is the average that a wg earns per month?
Re: What is the average that a wg earns per month?
17 Feb 2004
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Posted: 2021-07-08 23:52:00

On 2021-07-08 23:37:42 IOverflow said:
I think the how much you earn will be the sensitive topic to anyone, no matter which industry you are in.
Lots of people will reply the same way where it's none of your business.

At the same time I see the positive side to it as well. I am open about my salary, where if I see someone getting underpaid badly, I would tell them hey do you know that you are being screwed over with your salary. I would also like for someone doing the same to me as well.

But yes thats besides the point, this thread was just out of curiosity see the ranges of how much an wg can earn from the lowest to the highest.
And yes there is many factors to consider, but call each scenario a story.
I love hearing stories.
I'm not personally looking at how much this person earns.

You can't compare this industry to a "normal job" Firstly you are not just selling a product off an assembly line. We provide intimacy, emotion, connection on a variety of levels. Personal, intimate, spiritual, emotional and physical.

Until you can do what the ladies here do on a daily basis. You cannot on any level comprehend the physical, psychological and mental strength it takes to do this job.

Ziske - Re: What is the average that a wg earns per month?
Re: What is the average that a wg earns per month?
1 Dec 2015
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Posted: 2021-07-08 23:55:40

On 2021-07-08 10:43:19 Frank White said:
Lady time? Ladies have long learned the tricks of the trade around this, from the most common method of pushing a sponge up there to taking tablets to stop it.

I take 3 days off every month as I just feel it is very unhygienic to shove foreign objects up your vagina. No I am not talking about a tampon or cock. I mean a non sterile sponge.

Bear in mind tablets don't always work in that way to "keep it away"

I rather take care of myself and rest and be safe when it is lady time. Just my 5c
Gretchen - Re: What is the average that a wg earns per month?
Re: What is the average that a wg earns per month?
3 Feb 2021
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Posted: 2021-07-09 00:22:17

[QUOTE;3038884;Cunilinkiss] And maybe there are some with 90k turnovers, but that is far from profit.
When last did you pay for condoms or oil?
Venue, towels, electricity, clothing (PPE here is probably Presentable Pussy Enhancers like wax)

Leave the speculation and ask yourself if it is an easy time for ladies if there are offeres of R800 for 2hrs cif included.

In case you have not noticed, these poor ladies bust their chops at the moment and have to suck up the stress and smile all the while.

To then read speculation like this, can not be encouraging to them if their reality may be something like 1 booking per day with R500 to them after venue take as that is 12k/m for a six day week. But Oops, take R250 for transport and the poor lass is on 6k to keep a family...

Cun, your summary is the most accurate, that being at the current time. Before Covid, this work paid rather well and one was living comfortable. As for another person's comment about ladies charging R3OO for a blow and go which the lady deems below herself, that's fine, but don't judge others for offering such prices. Many of us do not have another income, right now as the economy is in scrambles, something is better than nothing. Yes, it is selling oneself short but I would rather take the R3OO than not.
ravip - Re: What is the average that a wg earns per month?
Re: What is the average that a wg earns per month?
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12 Aug 2016
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Posted: 2021-07-09 00:27:36

Never Kiss and Tell, the walls have ears :)
Arizona - Re: What is the average that a wg earns per month?
Re: What is the average that a wg earns per month?
17 Feb 2004
Posts to Date: 1952
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Posted: 2021-07-09 00:41:18
Edited: 2021-07-09 00:49:30

Miss Red (aka Louise)
Miss Red (aka Louise) - Re: What is the average that a wg earns per month?
Re: What is the average that a wg earns per month?
17 May 2018
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Posted: 2021-07-09 06:32:50

Been watching this thread unfold was gonna post earlier but decided to wait.

1) it is very tacky to ask random people, strangers about their income, be it a SPs ,a lawyer,a cashier,ect.
2) it is no ones business what someone else earns.

I will say this though I myself have probably had the worst month since forever. Even last year not working, I made money, more money with online stuff than I made this whole month working.

It took me awhile to realise we are entering 2020 version 2 ;) so I have relaunched my online content and services. And hoping not to have a repeat of this month that passed.

Fact is no one lady here is earning the same averages as Pre 2020.
The market is flooded with women that lost normal jobs that all just want to earn to keep their heads above water.

Men have less disposable cash due to pay cuts, businesses lost to covid ect ect.

And on top of it new waves of covid also influences the earnings of ladies, because guys take breaks or ladies change services to minimise risk or take a break themselves.

Fact is every lady is getting a smaller piece of the pie..and the pie has also gotten smaller;)


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