On 2015-10-24 16:20:18 The Real Sugar Xxx said:
Deamonza I was expressing Only my opinion and my friends experience.
These students have set a precedent for others to follow for years to come!!
I love it that they are fighting for what they believe in..!!!
Hopefully my future kids will get the free education,that everyone deserves!!!
Naledi, please don't misunderstand me... I am only trying to contribute an opposing opinion into a conversation.
The only precedent these students is that anytime they do not have things their way they begin to destroy infrastructure paid for with tax payer money, and further destroy the property of other students who have chosen not to participate.
I would also point out that there is no such thing as free education, it is always paid for by the citizens of a country in one way or another. Nothing is ever free in this world.