On 2024-01-09 16:01:33 Sharlyn said:
I truly believe if a system is set in place with maybe copy of ID ( just a suggestion) on applying
On 2024-01-09 18:20:17 JHB22 said:
On 2024-01-09 16:01:33 Sharlyn said: I truly believe if a system is set in place with maybe copy of ID ( just a suggestion) on applying
The day that becomes a requirement is the day I relinquish membership. Membership on ESA is honestly not important enough to give up privacy like that. But maybe that's just me.
On 2024-01-09 19:40:49 Mike23 said:
Search by race. Everyone has a preference and makes it vastly easier for clients to find what they are looking for.
On 2024-01-09 19:51:08 Sharlyn said:
Hunny you give up your privacy when you punt and review anyway xxx
On 2024-01-09 21:29:23 JHB22 said:
On 2024-01-09 19:51:08 Sharlyn said: Hunny you give up your privacy when you punt and review anyway xxx
That's a silly comparison. Most punters do not share who they are on ESA and most certainly do not provide all their baptised names with SA ID number, exact age and a photo. A wg will only know he uses the pseudonym Joebloggs69 on ESA.
On 2024-01-08 14:49:25 ESA Forum Admin said:
Good afternoon.
Thank you for your suggestions, the thread has been sent to our programmer.
Please note that making changes to this website is not a click of a button and of course, we can't keep everyone happy by implementing random suggestions.
ESA Support
On 2024-01-10 14:16:22 kevman said:
I would like to block seeing certain SP profiles.
When I scroll for new ladies and see the same lady evertime, which I am not interested in.
Rather just block from seeing them ever again and focus on thos e that are new and whom I am interested in.