On 2023-11-11 14:40:10 mohamadishaam@gmail.co said:
What do you mean?
Was meant for burfi your client
On 2023-11-06 11:38:34 Rusty194 said:
Name: Shemale Queen Demi
City: Johannesburg
Area: Sandton/Sandown
Last Visit: November 2023
Full Profile: [View Shemale Queen Demi's Full Profile]
Another awesome time with Demi, I've said it all before if that's your fetish she's the best and wow does she have such a gorgeous weapon.
Face: 5/5
Body: 5/5
Personality: 5/5
Telephone Manner: 5/5
Venue Cleanliness: 5/5
Personal Cleanliness: 5/5
Privacy: 5/5
Service: 5/5
Will you return? Yes
Advertiser looked like the Photos? Yes
Secure Parking? Yes
PS: To easily submit a review like this, go to the Advertiser's page and click "Rate this Advertiser" (if you are a Gold Member) or "Review this Advertiser" (if you are a Free Member)