Posted: 2007-06-12 19:29:45
Edited: 2007-06-12 19:34:58
Hi All
Anyone know of the whereabouts of 'Lisa' who used to work at 920 around Xmas time and for a short while afterwards?
Tall girl around 25-28 y I'd say, longish dark brunette (almost black) with blond flashes (hi-lites) in her hair that she used to wear sorta coiled in a small bun on top of her head, when she was socialising that is, came down when she was working!
Very laid back personality, sleepyish look, slow sorta eyes and smile (I know what youre thinking she was probably 'fucking high') but her speach and actions did'nt portray this, think she just had a very cool personality!
Told me she had a day job, only came to the club some nights a week to earn a bit more cash and, because she... 'just liked to shag!'
Her trademark: Was always pissing the other girls off by bumming make up!
Really like to make contact with her again, very hot babe!