Jewel - Privacy and discretion
Privacy and discretion
4 Sep 2016
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Posted: 2019-02-01 11:50:54
Edited: 2019-02-01 12:01:54

Happy Friday :)
Last week this time i was so freaked out and upset...I was out getting a few things done when my personal mobile rang...."hello Jewel" he says...."who is this?!" I say...."your client Dave, I've come to see you a few times..."....
Now earlier that week I'd had a few PM's from a guy who came to see me ONCE last May for 20 minutes. He addressed me as Jewel in all the messages as well as when he called to confirm the appointment time. I waited for him, watching the window for his vehicle about 10 minutes before his appointment time. Nothing! No call, no sms to say he is running late....nothing!
I went about my business as luckily it was just a 20 minute booking, yes I lost about an hour waiting for him but I was ahead of my target so I let it go.
He then sends an sms saying he had called me about "10 times" and I didn't phone was with me at all times and there were no sms notifications to tell me id missed any calls. I live in an agricultural area and sometimes the reception isn't the best but I do get missed call notification sms's. I explain this to him via sms. No response.
I go to my profile to set myself available only to find a PM from him accusing me of dropping him...and the thing that made me see RED....he used my real name!!!
I have and continue to go to great lengths to protect my identity as I'm sure many ladies who work in this industry do!
How the hell did this dude get this information!!!??? Fast forward to the end of the week...bearing in mind I'd had a break in on the 16th of December with things stolen and the electric fence kept being activated and i had armed response out constantly because I'm a lady on my own....I did NOT expect to hear my work name when I answered my personal phone! Turns out...according to the guy who called he had "lost his phone with my number and didn't have Internet access" he decided it was perfectly acceptable to come to my home, without my knowledge, find the owner of the property's employee sorting out the fence, asked for my number and called me!
This is totally unacceptable! And an invasion of my privacy! And could have put my work and earning ability at risk! The owner knows I'm a massage therapist and I asked if I may work from my cottage BUT I didn't specify what kind of massage! So this dude uses my work name with a guy who doesn't know me by that name further impacting on my privacy and may put me at risk if the employee tells the owner the story of this dude looking for someone called Jewel who does massage from this place...
THINK before you do stupid things!!!!
I of course shouted "how dare you call me on my private number" and put the phone down...unfortunately he was also shopping at the same complex I was...I saw him and he approached me with a confused look...that's how I found out he was at my home and the rest of the story.
I explained I'd had a bad experience earlier in the week and was on high alert due to the fence etc...all he could say was "you shouted at me" making me feel like a piece of shit!
I'm normally a very nice person but DON'T cross my boundaries and DON'T invade my space if you don't have a confirmed appointment!
I tried to explain my point via a message which never went through as he needs to know what he did was out of line...this is not a "normal" line of work and I for one do my best to provide absolute privacy and discretion for every single one of my clients....
We deserve the same! Please remember that!
Ps my work phone is used for that only. I have WhatsApp saved with my work name and take calls and sms's. I have NO social media accounts on my work phone and use a work email address.
[deleted] - Re: Privacy and discretion
Re: Privacy and discretion
More than 100 posts
Posted: 2019-02-01 12:52:58
Edited: 2019-02-01 12:53:50

It appears, unfortunately, you have a dysfunctional client... Who also could have dialled the wrong number, assuming it was you.. This is common amongst punters who are "shopping", or don't save numbers according...

Your line of work is very risky, so you need to be very vigilant.

Also remember that some punters, have no respect for women in general. They see women as objects, and consequently treat them with contempt.. This includes any regard for your time and space...

Please be careful. Be safe.

[deleted] - Re: Privacy and discretion
Re: Privacy and discretion
Less than 100 posts
Posted: 2019-02-01 13:08:13

Just a word of advice...

Be very careful what cell number you assign to your social media profiles.

A quick search of the "in my contacts" function may just leave you exposed. And not in the fun way
Jewel - Re: Privacy and discretion
Re: Privacy and discretion
4 Sep 2016
Posts to Date: 543
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Posted: 2019-02-01 14:27:34

On 2019-02-01 13:08:13 Wicked_One said:
Just a word of advice...

Be very careful what cell number you assign to your social media profiles.

A quick search of the "in my contacts" function may just leave you exposed. And not in the fun way

I do not have any mobile numbers saved to any of my social media accounts...I used to be in entertainment so am extremely cautious about my personal and private information
Jewel - Re: Privacy and discretion
Re: Privacy and discretion
4 Sep 2016
Posts to Date: 544
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Posted: 2019-02-01 15:30:09

On 2019-02-01 12:52:58 gemini7 said:
It appears, unfortunately, you have a dysfunctional client... Who also could have dialled the wrong number, assuming it was you.. This is common amongst punters who are "shopping", or don't save numbers according...

Gemini7 he claimed to have lost his phone and had no Internet connection to find it on Esa...hence he's decision to arrive at my home unannounced.

Your line of work is very risky, so you need to be very vigilant.

Gemini7 I'm always VERY vigilant...I have to be as I always choose to rent a cottage on a smallholding as I prefer the peace and quiet.

Also remember that some punters, have no respect for women in general. They see women as objects, and consequently treat them with contempt.. This includes any regard for your time and space...

Gemini7 such a sad but true statement...I treat everyone the way I would like to be sad the world is becoming a narcissist space

Please be careful. Be safe.

So many of my clients are telling me to be careful and's quite distressing....that's why I have my Bull Terrier...I feel much safer when she's around...and that's why I decided to emigrate because this is not how we were meant to live....constantly in fear with a million locks and electric fences and armed response....breaks my heart....
Claudia Gentlemens Delight
Claudia Gentlemens Delight - Re: Privacy and discretion
Re: Privacy and discretion
17 Jul 2013
Posts to Date: 1241
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Posted: 2019-02-01 19:51:00
Edited: 2019-02-01 19:57:01

Hi Jewel,

I'm not going to tell you what any of the above punters told you, but rather, to have a stern discussion with your landlord.
No one/employee should have given your private number and name to ANYBODY without having contacted YOU first. That is actually where your problem started...
Secondly, that particular client should have stayed in his lane! It was wrong what he did.
A lot of stress, however, could have been prevented, if the employee didn't just hand out your private details, without thinking twice!
Besides, nobody would frown upon a female being known by two names - I don't think, cause we're just that kind of mysterious ; )

Hugs, beautiful woman, x


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