Posted: 2006-10-31 22:49:18
I notice you have a banner link to Please be aware of the following:
1. Although registration is free, if you want to make any contacts on this site, you have to buy a premier membership (minimum USD30 for one month), which is not, in itself a problem.
2. You cannot buy a premier membership by credit card over the internet. They define South Africa as a "high fraud risk country" and insist that you send them a US Dollar money transfer by "snail mail". Like most Americans, who probably can't even point to South Africa on a map of the world, they are obsessed with their own importance and have been brainwashed into believing that America is the centre of the known universe. (Actually, Americans are living proof that the Red Indians copulated with buffalos!).
For us horny okes in RSA, is basically a waste of time, which is a pity cos I really need to find a "pain slut/slave". Anyone got any suggestions?