On 2019-09-11 16:18:29 Need4Passion said:
With. I don't see a reason to snip if you can keep it clean and I haven't had that issue in nearly 4 decades. On top of that, the ladies seem to love the shinny pink head. Plus it makes penetration easier kinda like a bearing when it's covering and you use it to ease inside while the skin stays put taking the friction but the head and shaft is penetrating under the skin.
I assume a reason not to though but I don't have any experience, lol. For one, the head is extremely sensitive so I assume cutting the skin of results in it being desensitised over time to accommodate in being touched all the time by your underwear so it takes away a lot of the sensation during sex. Plus the colour changes by being exposed to the elements.
On 2019-09-11 19:12:41 Mysticmac said:
"Circumcision reduces heterosexual HIV-1 acquisition in men by at least 60%."Reference:The biology ofhow circumcision reduces
HIV susceptibility: broader implications forthe prevention feld Jessica L. Prodgerand Rupert Kaul2.
If you are a regular punter, its well worth it.
On 2019-09-11 20:11:22 Wild_Weasel said:
On 2019-09-11 19:12:41 Mysticmac said: "Circumcision reduces heterosexual HIV-1 acquisition in men by at least 60%."Reference:The biology ofhow circumcision reduces
HIV susceptibility: broader implications forthe prevention feld Jessica L. Prodgerand Rupert Kaul2.
If you are a regular punter, its well worth it.
If you are a regular punter you will always use protection!!
With or without the snip for a regular punter there's no excuse for practicing unsafe sex !!
Just my 2cents worth....