Russian Bridgitte
Russian Bridgitte - ...Come with me
...Come with me
3 Jun 2015
Posts to Date: 2171
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Posted: 2021-10-13 21:04:31

Tonight bed beckons early...and thus

if i should take u by the hand, would u know to recognise it as a new path to be found?
if i should take u by the hand, would u allow me to hold u bound?....
bound to adventures new, where uncertainties and the unknown carry no threat,
for, the strength in my hold, a new courage deep within your being would know to beget.

a light step, a heart wild, a mind BIGGER than the universe,
before u to recognise a new sensual discovery... adventurous and diverse.

that quiet self... a slow dying that had taken hold...
stepping forth, out of a numb self-instilled murkiness , to go forth breathlessly bold.

and... as the trepidation tries to pull u back from whence u dared to venture!
to look deep in my eyes... an unwavering certainty to go forth for, what lies ahead be the perfect architecture...

of all i know to be your wanted fantasy,
your desire to find the 'you...' that somehow drowned in years of despondency.

a flicker of lust , a headiness...!... dizzy, as the path begins to present itself,
no place any longer to hold on to inhibitions , all urban legends to shelf.

for, now be the time to surrender, completely... willingly... to welcome my lead,
and, in my gentle coaxing, i will show u how and allow u, on my passion to feed.

u will splay yourself, PROUD in your nakedness and your hard manliness,
in that freedom to simply let go and, be yourself, a new found blissfulness....
where bodies hot, minds electrified, touch... most searching and comforting,
will know to waken giants of emotions...!... those infertile thoughts bludgeoning!

so, let me lead... let me go ahead... be your guide , your lover once imagined but, now real...
come... stand before me... touch me... smell me... allow your mind my spirit to feel...

give me the pleasure of drowning in all u are and need,
give me the pleasure to make u mine and plant my brand of erotic seed.


Sleep close with me once lids do close...good night beautiful all. x

AnthonyEdwards - Re: ...Come with me
Re: ...Come with me
Gold Member
16 Dec 2020
Posts to Date: 1563
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Posted: 2021-10-13 21:39:37

Ladies should always come first


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