Miss Red (aka Louise)
Miss Red (aka Louise) - What is happening to the forum?
What is happening to the forum?
17 May 2018
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Posted: 2021-12-13 19:41:03

I scroll, I stop, I read, I swipe back, I scroll, I stop,I read, I swipe back, and put the phone down..

What I see is not the type of feel good "fucking" vibes thats so many desire on a daily basis. The very reason so many log in to the forum.

Most just want to escape the real world and just be happy even if it is living procuriosly through others.

But all they getting is anger and arguing, insults and insulting, negativity from negative people.

Girls taking side swipes at other ladies, guys having ego battles. Insults flung between punters and SPs.

Take a step back and look at what is happening.. is it really worth it, to carry on like that.

Does it really matter that much to be right or to prove someone wrong or to have the last say.

The forum use to be full of funny, informative, feel good threads or just plain silly flirting and chatting threads, even if those people never would have a chance to meet in this live time.

A simple service request by a punter gets turned into a shaming thread, a lady expressing an opinion or asking advise gets torn apart and turned into a mud slinging match..

New ladies that join won't want to post because the inviromemt seems so hostile.

New punters are even less likely to post because they looking for an escape from the daily dramas of the real world and won't wanna be caught up in more drama.

Here is me hoping that you all have a well deserved rest over the holiday period and come back with some positive vibes to share.

I miss the days when the forum was a happier place.


BOOBS53 - Re: What is happening to the forum?
Re: What is happening to the forum?
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9 Jun 2015
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Posted: 2021-12-13 19:58:49

Totally agree Miss Red. Positive threads last only a page maybe two while negative ones exceeds 10 pages. Seems people want to make war not love ;)
Kooni - Re: What is happening to the forum?
Re: What is happening to the forum?
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18 Jun 2019
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Posted: 2021-12-13 20:01:59

Hi Miss Red

You not the only one missing the pre-covid, pre-specials, fun forum of 3 or 4 years ago.

The focus was on having fun, with the odd disagreement, that sometimes turned ugly, a few geniune specials in between. Now its the opposite, special after special, fight after fight, insult upon insult, and then the odd fun filled thread every 6 weeks or so.
Kooni - Re: What is happening to the forum?
Re: What is happening to the forum?
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18 Jun 2019
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Posted: 2021-12-13 20:03:06

On 2021-12-13 19:58:49 BOOBS53 said:
Totally agree Miss Red. Positive threads last only a page maybe two while negative ones exceeds 10 pages. Seems people want to make war not love ;)

Make love not war - "steek maar moenie doodsteek"
Sylvia - Re: What is happening to the forum?
Re: What is happening to the forum?
26 Sep 2010
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Posted: 2021-12-13 20:07:50

Lotta people frustrated and i guess they think letting it loose on here helps them. I agree with you reddy and the virus post i posted awhile ago goes crazy nuts. Mostly from this wild thing wny way i got lekker double screwed today and must say was very very enjoyable. Forgot about Covid, finances, debts, and anyything else you wanna throw in. LOLOLOLOLOL. s
Vicky Vee
Vicky Vee - Re: What is happening to the forum?
Re: What is happening to the forum?
16 Mar 2021
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Posted: 2021-12-13 20:16:43

Well said @Miss Red...its not fun on the forum anymore.
triton242 - Re: What is happening to the forum?
Re: What is happening to the forum?
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6 Dec 2019
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Posted: 2021-12-13 20:36:43

Very well said Miss Red, I couldn't agree more. Has become very dull and depressing
BOOBS53 - Re: What is happening to the forum?
Re: What is happening to the forum?
Gold Member
9 Jun 2015
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Posted: 2021-12-13 20:43:13
Edited: 2021-12-13 20:46:01

Miss Sylvia, think plenty are sexually frustrated. A heap of SSS manuals are awaiting for those in need of one .. lol
Miss Red (aka Louise)
Miss Red (aka Louise) - Re: What is happening to the forum?
Re: What is happening to the forum?
17 May 2018
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Posted: 2021-12-13 21:20:46

@Kooni.. the specials and promotional threads ain't the problem.

It is a good thing ladies promoting themselves and their services..;)

I think more ladies should make use of the forum to do so, the forum is a powerful tool.

The problem is the negativity towards the idea of ladies using the forum as a medium to promote their specials or service;)

For people that frequent the forum daily for extended periods it might seem a bit to much.
But for non frequent users and those that are looking for something specific the forum and all those thread are valuable gold to find what they want.

I am much more concerned about the way people seem to go out their way to be nasty towards each other.

Miss Red (aka Louise)
Miss Red (aka Louise) - Re: What is happening to the forum?
Re: What is happening to the forum?
17 May 2018
Posts to Date: 5158
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Posted: 2021-12-13 21:31:55

I want to challenge every one to find one little possitive thing everyday to talk about, to comment on, to compliment, come tell a story, ask a question that will start healthy debates.

Stop getting personal and taking things so personal.

If two other people are having a moment/disagreement just move past that, if it don't concern you personally ignore 8t don't fuel the fire, just move on.

Last year this time was probably the saddest holiday season ever.. but the forum overflowed of possitivety.. one year on and we stuck in this quicksand of negative energy.. we don't want to drag this with us into 2022.. and in order to leave it behind we need to start with the man(women) in the mirror.


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