Russian Bridgitte
Russian Bridgitte - ...365 days in half an hour
...365 days in half an hour
3 Jun 2015
Posts to Date: 9392
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Posted: 2023-12-31 23:27:25

If one had to sit down half an hour before the clock strikes twelve,
With a peaceful confident serenity begin to delve....

In the 365 days that have passed

Would half an hour be enough for the mind on those memories to cast?

Are there moments brighter than others....
Were they about shenanigans spent with naughty lovers?

Or... would it be a softness all fuzzy and warm

About ones closest and dearest never to feel forlorn?

Could it be a heartache, a grip in one's chest...?
A regret knowing one should have tried harder to be at one's best

A loss due to stubbornness unmoving?
What future joys could have been...losing.

A failure... feeling like the world has come to an end

Not sure how much more backwards to bend.

Is there purpose to a new day dawning?

Willing oneself, hope and positivity spawning...

No alas!! No sunset without another sunrise

Always!... that hope a new plan to devise

No matter the judgement, no matter the fear
The rudder forward... always to steer!

Would half an hour be enough for YOUR 365 days to remember?

Would every down and every up your brow temper

With a welcome of all that has past and learnt never to forget or regret.

For every choice made, should wisdom beget.

And thus into 2024 with all of the past wrapped into one
A total success, the bad and the good be the sum

And wiser to step into a new day dawning

For it be the first day , once again of the rest of your life that of Monday 1st January 2024....morning.



May 2024 be A Blessed Glorious Caring Year for you,and you and you and...YOU!

Actually.. for all of us.

Russian Bridgitte.
J_J - Re: ...365 days in half an hour
Re: ...365 days in half an hour
Gold Member
1 Jan 2023
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Posted: 2024-01-01 09:27:19

Oddly I had such a moment, not in a quiet space, but at an event, and in the midst of the noise and festivities my mind wondered to the the moments shared with some of the ladies I've met in the last year (you featured as well); but not the lust and passion shared, the in between parts.

And some reflection of how my involvement in the purple world will fuck up the life in front of me, as I watched 'loved ones and friends' partying. But yet there I was, absent from the present, and present with the absent, longing to be in another place.

So for a new years resolution, to be abandoned mid month:

"Pursue what feels good, and do good in whatever you pursue"
Russian Bridgitte
Russian Bridgitte - Re: ...365 days in half an hour
Re: ...365 days in half an hour
3 Jun 2015
Posts to Date: 9398
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Posted: 2024-01-01 13:05:49


There is always a reason why some come across many another. Paths meant to cross.

And you dear one?...our paths had to cross.

Selfishly...for me.

Isn't it amazing the power of our mind. The vastness immeasurable. The speed of thought. The capacity of emotion.

Are we not quite phenomenal in the creation we are...and bfr you take me there...fucked up or not, according to who?...still radiant in our befuddled and befucked awesomeness!

I hug you close and know exactly where your thoughts might have travelled to.

Looking fwd to many new reveals in 2024.



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