Posted: 2024-03-01 21:42:43
I told him I would munch on his sanity. I told him I would lap up his fantasy and dribble it all over his cock....and then spit on it.
I would hold those balls of his in my hands and while tickling them, his shaft ....his HARD manliness I would hold firm....feeling that throb.
I told him I would tease him with suggestions of how I would LOVE just looooovvvveee to play for hours, torture him with my naked closeness.
That I would press my wetness to his naked form...ever so close yet, far and out of reach.
I told him he better moan and let me hear his pleasure....allow me to eat his mouth in a way where tongue is not allowed.
To lick him in places he never imagined he would be licked.
I told him I was hungry....lusty...and very wanton.
I told him to hurry on over.
He came...lay....actually spread himself for my and his pleasure and I just took and took and took...and when he could no more...I asked him if I could receive some.... before he creamed my tits.