Posted: 2015-09-06 17:16:11
Working girls fulfill a social need in society. They are lovers, confidantes, friends, mothers, sisters, psychologists -- sometimes less, sometimes more. Perhaps the sex is just a man's way of saying "I really need you to make me feel good right now". Whatever the need, men are willing to pay people to fulfill this need, and the WG's understanding of this is key to their success in the business. Considering this, do working girls need advanced social skills, or do they just need to look like the bomb and be great in bed?
I have studied some of the comments in these forums, the initial comments as well as the responses, and have come to the conclusion that many are seriously lacking in social skills, both punters and WGs alike. Punters are generally ok, but some are seriously lacking in social skills (plainly put, they are cretins). This is patently obvious when doing a search on a punter and examining the quality of the dialogue (and in many cases, the monologue). Whilst this is inexcusable, this is largely the way that men are built (a subject for another discussion).
More concerning though, some WGs tend to be far worse. They do one of two things: they either robustly attack the feedback with vigour, or they simply withdraw, change their hair, get another prepaid starterpack and post and pay for a new ad. Some do this on a consistent basis, regardless whether they receive any feedback at all. It is seen as a way of life, one of the perils of the trade. These girls are seriously in need of PR skills.
Just an observation: the punters pay the WGs, and then go the extra mile by giving feedback, for mahala. Considering that a business consultant would charge *way* more than most WG's hourly rate, this is really a good deal for the WG. She gets to see feedback, and an opportunity to fix any issues.
Even if the pounter woke up with shit on his liver that day (yes, there are some real assholes amongst us), it is an opportunity to showcase social skills in handling the complaint in a friendly manner, regardless whether unfair or not. Looking at the dissenting WG responses, some of the ladies on this forum are in serious need of social skills, which is a pity because social skills are core and fundamental to what you do.
Therefore, here are two golden rules for a response to a negative comment:
1. Thank the punter for politely for taking the time and trouble to post some feedback; and
2. Never, ever, argue with the punter in a public forum! Even if he is an ass and he is lying!
Girl, if you are arguementative with your (ex)client in a public forum, then you are doing your business serious damage. You are on public display here -- and the manner in which you handle negative feedback speaks volumes about:
The maturity of your social skills;
Your emotional intelligence;
Your social grace and etiquette; and
The social service that you deliver.
Remember that a gentle answer turns wrath into discomfort(for the ass). Leave the vitriol and animosity to the men -- they are built to mete it out (and also to take it). Don't damage your business even furher by emulating the sharp tonmgue of his wife / girlfriend / SO.
Just my 2c: Use it or lose it.