Leila B (shemale Seductress)
Leila B (shemale Seductress) - ***SEDUCTION*** (and miscellaneous musings)
***SEDUCTION*** (and miscellaneous musings)
24 Nov 2016
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Posted: 2024-05-14 16:32:30
Edited: 2024-05-14 16:42:01

SEDUCTION. An extremely relevant topic and a skill that should be honed by all dedicated Adult Entertainers.

I will be sharing/curating some interesting, informative videos, passages, etcetera that might be of use to both seducers and to the seduced. Follow this thread closely, you might even learn a new trick or two - who knows ;-)

Some of you Punters might even manage to sidestep some of the tricks that tricky temptresses employ to keep ya'll cumming back for more and more (and more).

And ... some of you guys might even be able to up your seduction game and get ...... FREE SEX!
Hahaha ... just kidding, you'll need some roofies for that ("free sex").

I once (just once) had a roofie slipped into my drink. I might tell the tale on my TTB Thread ... I might :-)

The very first clip, PERCEPTION vs PERSPECTIVE will not just help in winning a lover over, it may even help improve your interpersonal skills tremendously. Enjoy :-)

[EDIT] ... My TTBT ...
Leila B (shemale Seductress)
Leila B (shemale Seductress) - Re: ***SEDUCTION*** (and miscellaneous musings)
Re: ***SEDUCTION*** (and miscellaneous musings)
24 Nov 2016
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Posted: 2024-05-18 13:26:35
Edited: 2024-05-18 13:50:49

Robert Greene's book THE 48 LAWS OF POWER was banned in several US prisons. I have read almost all of his books so far and I particularly enjoyed THE ART OF SEDUCTION.

The coquette is one of the archetypes analysed in his book on Seduction. Napoleon's Josephine was an obvious coquette. I'm sure that "not tonight Josephine" was outnumbered by "not tonight Napoleon, mon cheri" ... lol


Do you have to "be mean to keep 'em keen"? SUSAN WINTER describes one of the coquette's techniques in the following clip. Even though she is a dating/relationship coach and not a courtesan, we can all agree that there are many overlaps between "real life dating" and "dating" by the hour, yes? ...


[EDIT] ... According to THE 48 LAWS OF POWER, I am breaking rule #30 which states, "teach no one your tricks or they will be used against you." ... lol ... They are not my tricks to teach - buy the book ;-)
Leila B (shemale Seductress)
Leila B (shemale Seductress) - Re: ***SEDUCTION*** (and miscellaneous musings)
Re: ***SEDUCTION*** (and miscellaneous musings)
24 Nov 2016
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Posted: 2024-05-26 19:26:00
Edited: 2024-05-26 19:45:13

I read somewhere that lack of sex is the root of all evil ... lol ... funny

Here is a quote from the clip to follow ... "Sexual (romantic) relationships have kind of a monopoly on sex and if people can't get something they want at the monopoly, they typically don't surrender the necessity or the desire, they go find it on the black market which is the shadow of the monopoly."

The psychologist in the video above makes extremely valid points, but even if he stood on his head and whistled "sexbomb" through his anus, there is no way women will quit using sex as a (very effective) weapon.

Be a wise booker of an xxxcellent hooker and you will get great sex and (if she is a polished provider) generous side orders of wit, charm, humour and kindness. No begging or pleading required :-)

Here is a light-hearted video by ANNA AKANA ... *DATING WOMEN MADE ME UNDERSTAND MEN* ... Here the shoe is on the other foot and she sympathises with guys in the dating arena. It's not easy is it guys :-(
Leila B (shemale Seductress)
Leila B (shemale Seductress) - Re: ***SEDUCTION*** (and miscellaneous musings)
Re: ***SEDUCTION*** (and miscellaneous musings)
24 Nov 2016
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Posted: 2024-06-01 22:48:59
Edited: 2024-06-01 22:57:06


Why is there so much shame around sex? Is fornication really such a dark, dirty, "do only to do your duty for mankind by procreating" act? And, are the purveyors of this "filthy" pleasure just as bad?

Escorts, hookers, whores, prostitutes, call us what you will - we sexworkers sell sex. I am always amused when a sexworker refers to her profession as her "job". So your "job" puts "food" on your table? Or does it put actual food on your table? I think you get my point.

Both sides, the sellers of sex and the buyers thereof are always bleating about the legalisation of sex for sale, yet they continue to be consumed by their shame of participating therein. Not ideal.

Sex is like food. We humans do actually need both to be happy, healthy creatures. We are all tempted by a plate of our favourite food, so absolutely nothing wrong with paying for that and relishing our meal. Meat is meat and a man must eat (vegans and vegetarians insert suitable food).

From personal experience, I find introspection to be hugely rewarding. I highly recommend it.

I am all for the legalisation of sexwork, although decriminalisation would be an acceptable second best. Decriminalisation will be better than the Nordic model (Sweden) where the client (and pimps) are criminalised and the sexworker is decriminalised. Doesn't make much sense to me.

It might also be a good idea to rethink the indoctrinations we received growing up and to realise how powerfully they have managed to control and divide us.

"He who believes everything he reads in a book is better off without the book." (Unknown Author)
J_J - Re: ***SEDUCTION*** (and miscellaneous musings)
Re: ***SEDUCTION*** (and miscellaneous musings)
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1 Jan 2023
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Posted: 2024-06-02 08:34:01

Grilled tikka paneer for the vegetarians. Not sure what the vegans want.

Both, I believe, wouldn't mind a penis to nibble on ...

On the regulation aspect. Decriminalisatuon of all, but one can't ignore the abuse. I've met some really damaged ladies in this industry and some who somehow manage to keep it all together. Not sure though what levels of protection one can put in place for the sex workers.

Pimps (and I'm using the term broadly) can be very useful for the SP but can also be the biggest abuser. So are they in or out, or regulated some how.

And even if you get a good set of regulations, whose going to enforce it... it's going to need alot of work. And whose going to do it. Nobody gives a shit, so it will have to come from within ...

And what about drugs. Do you just ignore that aspect or do you embrace it as well (for a more holistic approach).

Leila B (shemale Seductress)
Leila B (shemale Seductress) - Re: ***SEDUCTION*** (and miscellaneous musings)
Re: ***SEDUCTION*** (and miscellaneous musings)
24 Nov 2016
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Posted: 2024-06-02 13:39:44

On 2024-06-02 08:34:01 J_J said:
Grilled tikka paneer for the vegetarians. Not sure what the vegans want.

Both, I believe, wouldn't mind a penis to nibble on ...

BUT ... are they allowed to swallow, Dearest JJ? Sperm/Spunk/Cum is animal protein, you know? Albeit the Best Protein a man can get ... *SLURRRP*

On 2024-06-02 08:34:01 J_J said:

On the regulation aspect. Decriminalisatuon of all, but one can't ignore the abuse. I've met some really damaged ladies in this industry and some who somehow manage to keep it all together. Not sure though what levels of protection one can put in place for the sex workers.

Pimps (and I'm using the term broadly) can be very useful for the SP but can also be the biggest abuser. So are they in or out, or regulated some how.

And even if you get a good set of regulations, whose going to enforce it... it's going to need alot of work. And whose going to do it. Nobody gives a shit, so it will have to come from within ...

And what about drugs. Do you just ignore that aspect or do you embrace it as well (for a more holistic approach).

Good Food for thought Master JJ. Never underestimate the power of planting a seed or many seeds.

Anything that helps to get the ball/s rolling can't be bad ;-)
Leila B (shemale Seductress)
Leila B (shemale Seductress) - Re: ***SEDUCTION*** (and miscellaneous musings)
Re: ***SEDUCTION*** (and miscellaneous musings)
24 Nov 2016
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Posted: 2024-06-05 19:39:57
Edited: 2024-06-05 20:14:47


"Would you rather find yourself alone in the woods with a bear or a man? This is the question currently dividing social media. Based on the responses online, it looks like most women answering the question say they would choose the bear, a decision that is shocking many men.

The reactions show some men don't understand women's experiences. The assertion that women would prefer to encounter a bear is based on evidence about the rate of male violence against women, and on a lifetime of learning to fear and anticipate this violence. This is especially true of sexual violence, something which would not be associated with encountering a bear.

According to the World Health Organization, one in three women -- around 736 million globally -- will have experienced sexual or physical violence by an intimate partner or sexual violence from a non-partner in their lifetime. This figure has largely remained unchanged over the past decade.

Being attacked by a bear is much less common, with only 664 attacks worldwide over 15 years, and very few fatal attacks. And bears tend to avoid humans, attacking only when provoked or protecting their young.

This is not about generalising or fearing all men. Women know that not all men are dangerous. But women don't know which men they should fear, only that male violence and male entitlement to women's bodies is something that they have to be on guard for.

Women are commonly victims of sexualised violence, and men are overwhelmingly the perpetrators (including against other men). There are enough men who have hurt or are capable of hurting women, and women have no way of knowing which ones these are. While much violence against women comes from men they know, the risk of danger from men they don't know is something that informs their day-to-day lives.

For example, research shows that women change their behaviour -- making certain decisions about the routes they take or what they wear -- to avoid harassment or abuse from men in public. Scholars such as Fiona Vera-Gray refer to this as safety work.

Women's view of men is also coloured by their non-violent actions that harm women. Clearly, bears also do not contribute to or uphold systemic sexism and misogyny, but most men do.

My research on misogynistic online groups has explored how men engage in acts against women that reinforce gender inequality.

Writer Emma Pitman has described this phenomenon using the analogy of a human pyramid. The choices of some men to stay silent about abuse is the base of the pyramid, holding up other men who engage in misogynistic jokes or commit violence.

The overall effect, whether deliberate or via ignorance or indifference, is to normalise and support the actions of male sexual predators and domestic abuse perpetrators.

This culture props up the men who are silent bystanders, observing sexism, harassment or abuse but doing nothing, the men who make or laugh along with the sexist or rape jokes, those who are rape apologists and blame women for their sexual victimisation, those who become aggressive when women turn them down, those who stalk, control and abuse women, and those who are rapists, sexual harassers and murderers. This continuum of misogyny is women's everyday reality -- and at no point do bears feature.


Men are generally surprised, defensive even, when the subject of male violence against women is discussed. This is often where people invoke the response "not all men".

When women took to social media to express their anger and devastation following the murder of Sarah Everard by a police officer in 2021, #NotAllMen trended online. Meanwhile, police advised women not to walk alone at night, placing the burden of avoiding violence on women.

This conversation is about privilege, and not recognising it. Many men are able to move through their daily lives not being worried that they are going to be attacked or raped, can walk alone late at night without taking any safety precautions or even not having such thoughts cross their minds, and do not feel their hearts beat faster if they hear footsteps behind them. It may not be all men, but it is all women, who live smaller lives because of the threat of some men's violence.

These discussions are an opportunity for men to understand women's genuine fears and to be part of the solution rather than the problem."


Here are 2 differing opinions, both from women ...

Like I explained on my TTBT, Transwomen are not a monolith. Neither are men or any other group for that matter. EVERYONE is an INDIVIDUAL first and foremost.

I don't think that it's fair to hold every single member of a particular group responsible for the transgressions of the group when it is the system that is the real problem. There are disgusting, despicable members in every group.

I have heard misandrists say, "there is only one man with many different faces." I am sure that many misogynists say similar things about women.

For what it's worth, I love and respect all women and I love and respect all men - cisgender or transgender. We are all (hopefully) human INDIVIDUALS ... We are all pieces of the same puzzle.

Love and Peace ... xxx
J_J - Re: ***SEDUCTION*** (and miscellaneous musings)
Re: ***SEDUCTION*** (and miscellaneous musings)
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1 Jan 2023
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Posted: 2024-06-05 23:32:59

There is no worse feeling than when you see the fear in a woman's eyes when you meet her for the first time or the 100th time, and you realize the truth in much of what you wrote above, and your own sense of entitlement and privilege is laid bare.

An interesting conversation indeed.

And then, and this may upset you, but what the hell. Some feminist believe transgender women are also a problem, basically men infiltrating their 'female' space.

Personally I don't think we should have separate spaces, but to some extent understand the need for such (if women just don't feel safe).

"We are all humans". Why are we defined by genitals.

And if you religious, in genesis 1 it describes how god created us as 1 being (both male and female in one being). Only later was the physical forms separated, but the spiritual form remained united as one. Part of the 2S part of the LGBTQ(2S). Though many feminist are now pushing back for only LGB.

Leila B (shemale Seductress)
Leila B (shemale Seductress) - Re: ***SEDUCTION*** (and miscellaneous musings)
Re: ***SEDUCTION*** (and miscellaneous musings)
24 Nov 2016
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Posted: 2024-06-06 11:54:25
Edited: 2024-06-06 12:29:33

On 2024-06-05 23:32:59 J_J said:
realize the truth in much of what you wrote above

I can't take credit for the well written article that I copied and pasted - it was written by LISA SUGIURA.

Here is a link to the article ...,that%20is%20shocking%20many%20men.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us Master JJ :-)
J_J - Re: ***SEDUCTION*** (and miscellaneous musings)
Re: ***SEDUCTION*** (and miscellaneous musings)
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1 Jan 2023
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Posted: 2024-06-06 13:33:58

Please don't call me 'Master'. Just JJ. I also want to change the JJ initials, but ESA wants me to delete the account and start a new one. So I guess I will stick with it for now.


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