ncede - Review - Maya - Gezina Pretoria
Review - Maya - Gezina Pretoria
Basic Member
26 Nov 2012
Posts to Date: 43
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Posted: 2024-06-29 12:25:32

Name: Maya

City: Pretoria

Area: Brooklyn

Last Visit: June 2024

Full Profile: [View Maya's Full Profile]


Well Ivwent to visit this amazing woman last night. She's a dark beauty with an amazing body (Definitely my type) she gave me directions to her room after I arrived at the guest house she's located in. We just clicked and connected as soon as we made eye contact. She had a see through lingerie with nothing underneath I could see the shape of her ass underneath that lingerie and my zulu boy got a straight hard on.
We had a small chat within the blankets as it was a bit cold in her room, after a short while she came on top of me and I could feel her warm pussy rubbing on my zulu member as she was moving in a very seductive way on top of me. She went down and gave a brief bj which I enjoyed but I guess we were both in a rush to just do the deed as I Also felt her wetness as she was busy sucking me.

We went straight to WOT she's a rider this one, gave it to me like she owns me. I almost came. We changed gears and did missionary that's where the connection really grew but her moans as well made it hard for me to hold on for longer. I came with so much satisfaction.

We cuddled as I was sipping on wine that she offered earlier on before our 1st session. We had a chat, she went to pick some delivery from the gate i couldn't wait for her return as my member wasn't giving me a break. She came back and took off the short dress she had on to go to the gate and this sexy bidy was right in front of me again I put a condom on there was no need to do a bj I wanted to just get inside of her, we began our second session with missionary again which was so intense and then ende off with doggy feeling her ass while holding her huge breasts at the same time plus her moans I just became weak and came so hard.

Guys go and see Maya while she's still around she told me she's going home sometime next week.
As for me I'm definitely going back it might not be next week maybe but definitely in the future
Thanks Maya keep up the good work??



Face: 5/5
Body: 5/5
Personality: 5/5
Telephone Manner: 5/5
Venue Cleanliness: 5/5
Personal Cleanliness: 5/5
Privacy: 5/5
Service: 5/5

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Secure Parking? Yes

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Dopboi - Re: Review - Maya - Centurion/Rooihuiskraal Pretoria
Re: Review - Maya - Centurion/Rooihuiskraal Pretoria
Basic Member
27 Sep 2024
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Posted: 2024-09-28 07:26:30

Name: Maya

City: Pretoria

Area: Centurion/Rooihuiskraal

Last Visit: September 2024

Full Profile: [View Maya's Full Profile]


Woth every cent absolutely perfect would call again didnt waste any time. She fuck me up and was perfect awsome smill and amazing body



Face: 5/5
Body: 5/5
Personality: 5/5
Telephone Manner: 5/5
Venue Cleanliness: 5/5
Personal Cleanliness: 5/5
Privacy: 5/5
Service: 5/5

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Advertiser looked like the Photos? Yes
Secure Parking? Yes

PS: To easily submit a review like this, go to the Advertiser's page and click "Rate this Advertiser" (if you are a Gold Member) or "Review this Advertiser" (if you are a Free Member)

* Until Dopboi built up some Street Cred, Rookie Reviews will not be tracked on the Comments and the Review By Area system.
Upfront - Re: Review - Maya - Gezina Pretoria
Re: Review - Maya - Gezina Pretoria
Basic Member
18 Apr 2016
Posts to Date: 57
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Posted: 2025-01-14 08:22:58

Name: Maya

City: Pretoria

Area: Gezina

Last Visit: January 2025

Full Profile: [View Maya's Full Profile]


I visited this lady a couple of days ago, I've been eyeing her for a while and I'm happy I finally got to taste her. The OWO was very good and she rides like a champ for a lady with such a big booty. She's not lazy at all and aims to please and enjoys being pounded. The outstanding part for me was when we did missionary, she opened them legs wide for me and I busted a great nut. She also has a great personality, she can talk and she can listen as well and that was a plus for me. Did I mention the booty on this lady, Jesus Christ it's magnificent and she also has tities to match it. I really enjoyed playing with them tities and spanking that sweet booty. This was a good way to start a punting year. So will I return? Bet you sweet ass I will.



Face: 4/5
Body: 5/5
Personality: 5/5
Telephone Manner: 5/5
Venue Cleanliness: 5/5
Personal Cleanliness: 5/5
Privacy: 5/5
Service: 5/5

Will you return? Yes
Advertiser looked like the Photos? Yes
Secure Parking? Yes

PS: To easily submit a review like this, go to the Advertiser's page and click "Rate this Advertiser" (if you are a Gold Member) or "Review this Advertiser" (if you are a Free Member)


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