Michelle Savaty
Michelle Savaty - Say your say
Say your say
18 Sep 2018
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Posted: 2024-07-24 13:39:18

So apperantly if a ladies says something or to much or give her oppinion on something its considered to be a bad thing cause the punters apperantly think "Oh fuck not her again"

So I would like all the punters oppinions on this.

Or is it only cause I speak my mind freely?

Yes I get that I have no barrier, but I rather get it off my chest then say anything nice and not mean it. Its a thing I have been struggeling with.

So sorry for future if I do offend anyone or have done so in the past.

I just cant put fairies when there is only orks.
Max.ledger - Re: Say your say
Re: Say your say
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Posted: 2024-07-24 14:03:42

Lol lol lol
Vrik - Re: Say your say
Re: Say your say
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Posted: 2024-07-24 14:52:37
Edited: 2024-07-24 14:53:03

I like it when ladies comment. But it is most appreciated when it is short and to the point, and not always negative (complaining about life/punters etc).
And the above equally applies to punters and WGs.
Michelle Savaty
Michelle Savaty - Re: Say your say
Re: Say your say
18 Sep 2018
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Posted: 2024-07-24 18:42:55

Thanks for the input guys
J_J - Re: Say your say
Re: Say your say
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1 Jan 2023
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Posted: 2024-07-24 20:30:29

There are guys who like independent ladies and guys who don't. It's up to you which you want to attract. Can't please them all.

For what its worth, I do like you Michelle based on how you engage on the forum.
Michelle Savaty
Michelle Savaty - Re: Say your say
Re: Say your say
18 Sep 2018
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Posted: 2024-07-24 23:41:55

Thanks sweets
kingkk - Re: Say your say
Re: Say your say
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Posted: 2024-07-25 09:11:29

Michelle don't hold back be yourself. Speak your mind. As long as it's done in a nice tone of words and not views or opinions forced upon. Would rather have that than not knowing someone's opinions,views even if they not similar than be wondering if you offended or upset someone. Stay way you are.
Michelle Savaty
Michelle Savaty - Re: Say your say
Re: Say your say
18 Sep 2018
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Posted: 2024-07-26 16:27:30

Kingkk thats just the thing, im the kind of person your friends warn you about before they bring me with.

I dont know how not to be crued at times. Its a royal fuckup. And in the process i do say things that might offend people or hurt someones feelings.

But i dont say it to be a bully or mean its just i dont know how to put little daisies on a thornbush. My world its black or white and its hard for me to put the gray area in between.

Anyway I guess my life motto is also crued.

"Fuck the people I am the people.."

Ive never really cared what anyone thinks of me really. But I also in the same sentence like to help people and then get burned at the end of the day.

So thats why im wondering cause i kinda got told by a friend that i shouldnt swear so much, and i first tried to deny it. And he said " Every second word is fuck and every other second word is poes, your a lady. You shouldnt swear so much."

My response :" I never said Im a lady, im a misinterpretation of a lady" as i used to be a cnc mashine operator.

But anyway. I guess i should maybe start my conversations with " sorry if my presence and the shit coming out my mouth offends anyone in any way" lol.

danwest - Re: Say your say
Re: Say your say
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Posted: 2024-07-26 20:23:50

On 2024-07-26 16:27:30 Michelle Savaty said:
And he said " Every second word is fuck and every other second word is poes, your a lady. You shouldnt swear so much."

My good fuck - what poes kak is this guy talking about ??
danwest - Re: Say your say
Re: Say your say
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28 Oct 2013
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Posted: 2024-07-28 11:08:55

On 2024-07-24 13:39:18 Michelle Savaty said:
So apperantly if a ladies says something or to much or give her oppinion on something its considered to be a bad thing cause the punters apperantly think "Oh fuck not her again"

So I would like all the punters oppinions on this.

Or is it only cause I speak my mind freely?

Yes I get that I have no barrier, but I rather get it off my chest then say anything nice and not mean it. Its a thing I have been struggeling with.

So sorry for future if I do offend anyone or have done so in the past.

I just cant put fairies when there is only orks.

Miss Savaty
Whenever you come to Cape Town, I'm marrying you.


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