suzook - Super Fuck, Banned Chod, Porto Butcher
Super Fuck, Banned Chod, Porto Butcher
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1 Feb 2010
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Posted: 2024-09-07 11:34:56

Something tells that me these 3 are actually 1 - it's a dead-giveaway in their writing style. A leopard can hide all it wants,but it will always be spotted.
~ SuperFuck ~
~ SuperFuck ~ - Re: Super Fuck, Banned Chod, Porto Butcher
Re: Super Fuck, Banned Chod, Porto Butcher
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8 Aug 2024
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Posted: 2024-09-07 11:43:43

On 2024-09-07 11:34:56 suzook said:
Something tells that me these 3 are actually 1 - it's a dead-giveaway in their writing style. A leopard can hide all it wants,but it will always be spotted.

Aaaagh voetsek!!!

~ SuperFuck ~
~ SuperFuck ~ - Re: Super Fuck, Banned Chod, Porto Butcher
Re: Super Fuck, Banned Chod, Porto Butcher
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8 Aug 2024
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Posted: 2024-09-07 13:06:48

"Bitch" is a complex, multifaceted word with various meanings, depending on context, culture, and tone.

*Negative connotations:*

1. Derogatory term for a woman, implying annoyance, anger, or disrespect.
Example: "He called her a bitch during the argument."

*Neutral/mildly negative:*

1. A strong-willed or assertive woman.
Example: "She's a tough bitch in business."

*Feminist/reclaimed usage:*

1. Empowered woman who stands up for herself.
Example: "The feminist activist was proud to be called a bitch."


1. Friend or companion (male or female).
Example: "What's up, bitch?"
2. Expression of frustration or annoyance.
Example: "This traffic is a bitch."

*Historical origins:*

1. From Old English "bicge" (female dog).
2. Initially used to describe a female animal, later acquiring human connotations.

*Cultural variations:*

1. Regional dialects and cultural contexts influence usage.
2. Some communities use "bitch" as a term of endearment.

*Important note:*

1. Context and tone determine the word's impact.
2. Using "bitch" to degrade or demean someone is harmful.


1. Merriam-Webster Dictionary
2. Oxford English Dictionary
3. Feminist scholars and linguists

suzook - Re: Super Fuck, Banned Chod, Porto Butcher
Re: Super Fuck, Banned Chod, Porto Butcher
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1 Feb 2010
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Posted: 2024-09-07 13:09:12

But vai you are saying it for me i must be making the voetingseks ???

I vunt to making the normal seks,not the voeting-seks !!!

LoL... You're still a leopard & a clown (as J.J said on another thread) .... SF, BC, PB, whatever the f&k you call yourself... One thing i am sure of... you're not a hater & that's cool.

J_J - Re: Super Fuck, Banned Chod, Porto Butcher
Re: Super Fuck, Banned Chod, Porto Butcher
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1 Jan 2023
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Posted: 2024-09-07 14:33:34

Oh no ... don't use my words incorrectly. Mine was more endearment ... in the same way I'd call Trevor Noah or any of my favorite comedians 'a clown'; and my point was that clowns have a valuable place in society; and they use their voice to bring interesting topics to the for; and reveal people's bullshit.

J_J - Re: Super Fuck, Banned Chod, Porto Butcher
Re: Super Fuck, Banned Chod, Porto Butcher
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Posted: 2024-09-07 14:37:13

On 2024-09-07 14:33:34 J_J said:
Oh no ... don't use my words incorrectly. Mine was more endearment ... in the same way I'd call Trevor Noah or any of my favorite comedians 'a clown'; and my point was that clowns have a valuable place in society; and they use their voice to bring interesting topics to the for; and reveal people's bullshit.

Actually I don't give a fuck how I'm quoted. Just don't use to to start a war or spread hatred.
Russian Bridgitte
Russian Bridgitte - Re: Super Fuck, Banned Chod, Porto Butcher
Re: Super Fuck, Banned Chod, Porto Butcher
3 Jun 2015
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Posted: 2024-09-07 14:38:13

On 2024-09-07 14:33:34 J_J said:
Oh no ... don't use my words incorrectly. Mine was more endearment ... in the same way I'd call Trevor Noah or any of my favorite comedians 'a clown'; and my point was that clowns have a valuable place in society; and they use their voice to bring interesting topics to the for; and reveal people's bullshit.

Oh! Suzook I DO love YOU...and u know it thru the many many messages the way, when oh! When am I devouring the WHOLE of YOU????

But I have to favour what J_J has said.

Endearment J_J

May I "endear" you closer to me?

Tell me how.....maybe "clown" around a bit...?

J_J - Re: Super Fuck, Banned Chod, Porto Butcher
Re: Super Fuck, Banned Chod, Porto Butcher
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Posted: 2024-09-07 15:21:47

On 2024-09-07 14:38:13 Russian Bridgitte said:

Tell me how.....maybe "clown" around a bit...?


I love you just the way you are RB. Nobody does you better than you...

You quick to see injustice and you not scared to speak up. For me I'm often very scared. And I have nothing to lose. Nobody knows me here. I'm just the letters J. But this is your work platform, an income source. You have a lot to lose; and you still boldly express your truth. Respect RB.
Need4Passion - Re: Super Fuck, Banned Chod, Porto Butcher
Re: Super Fuck, Banned Chod, Porto Butcher
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Posted: 2024-09-07 17:47:17

Same person or not, I would much rather have 50 fake profiles from punters or that sort which is fun and funny and often carry valuable useful recommendations and reviews than the plethora or fake wg profiles that just spew vileness and hatred and often fake reviews and recommendations that will have newbies wondering how did I have such a shot experience when all these other(fake) profiles had such a good time and rates them so highly.

Dare I say it, but these profiles you speak off actually bring some norm, and discussion and fun to the platform.

R2D4 - Re: Super Fuck, Banned Chod, Porto Butcher
Re: Super Fuck, Banned Chod, Porto Butcher
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5 May 2014
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Posted: 2024-09-07 18:11:58

different entities


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