I am a early riser. Always have been. Between 5 and
5.30 like clock work,no matter how late i go to sleep at night.
Why do wake up that early there is no reason for me to be up that early. And why do i I have to jump out of bed as soon as my eyes open?
Why cant I like others just turn around and snooze again or just stay in bed and chill for awhile.?
I have to be up, make my bed, go downstairs make coffee. I have to sit in my favourite spot in lounge or on patio for atleast 30 to 40 minutes doing nothing.;) After that i will start my day by doing whatever needs to be done.
I could have done nothing laying in bed too for that 30 or 40 min!
This is my norm and its been like that for years and years and years.. i would even ger slightly annoyed if anything interupts my 30/40mins of doing nothing in the mornings.
Are you a get up and go person. A get up and be still person or are you the snoozer or the hell raiser when you wake up.?