On 2017-03-18 15:37:36 KudaVamwe said:
Nicely put Kimmy... it ain't like you going start flashing people's issues in the papers once you meet them? And you all know we got lives, so why try act out! Be real, treat the ladies real, and you will improve that 3 in 10years! That is sad dude, that is sad!
It's so true you know KudaVamwe, no matter how much one can put themselves out there or sugar coat their lives, being genuine brings out the best or the worst in every individual. I could enjoy your unique traits whether you have split personalities. At least I'd be in the comfort of a beautiful being in my eyes. I don't want to know what you get up to or where you're from as long as I'll be sharing those moments with you. Those are my returns.
Respect works both ways we all need to remember that!
From 3 to multiples