On 2017-05-25 09:48:08 Raksha said:
Wow meg ladies in this business can certainly learn a thing a 2 from you humility for one
Raksha all I know, not one lady on this site are the same.
You will meet people in your life
For a reason a season a period or a lifetime.... how they will be part of your live will depend on you.
Some people you keep close, others is lesson others is fly by nights.
I learned to like people but not trust anyone.
Still see the good above the bad in every person and try and focus on the good more then the bad.
Like I said, to many people In This industry will be judging other people by word of mouth.
I like checking things for myself.
I like proving people wrong.
I know a lot of people... but my true friends I can count on one hand.
This industry gives you trust issues, you learn to see through everyone's mask.
One can only wear a mask so long before the true self comes out.
I found a loving person in Chas, unselfish in everything she does.
Always looking out for someone else's needs.
One day Chas the wheel will turn and your heart will have all the blessing it deserves.