Posted: 2017-06-29 19:57:29
As venue owners you generally know your staff, your clientele, where things need jacking up and the difference between a fair complaint and a malicious complaint. Where I see a client is generally unhappy based on his private contact or a review I try my best to get to the bottom of the complaint and interview the staff member as well as check with Eve what went wrong.
If I think the situation requires an apology I do it, if we need to make amends I do it. If it results in a freebie bookie then that's what the situation requires. At the end of it all we're in the service industry and should be treating clients as well as staff with mutual respect.
Without our beautiful starlets and our loyal customer support we may as well shut the doors, it's far from a perfect science however we try our best but sometimes things go wrong. That's all fair and well as long as they mostly go right.