On 2017-12-18 11:50:47 Veronica Franco said:
I agree with in 69....the review system is a matter of personal taste or preference and no one punter has the right to tell the rest how to spend their membership fees. That's why there are ratings. If you find it tedious, scan through the review and take note of the ratings. I for one don't like a detailed run down of every detail. To me, sex is still personal and private, those that do get detailed are a bit embarrassing although still appreciated.
On 2017-12-19 07:12:58 Veronica Franco said:
Why should clients compete to win favor if they didn't have a good experience? Makes no sense. But there are also very few ladies who are able to give consistent treatment to clients that they have no attraction to or chemistry with. We are human too and the services we offer cannot always be consistent from one client to another. I understand that after reading a review you expect the same experience, but that's isn't always possible as we also relate to various people differently.