On 2017-12-27 21:47:49 Fred8 said:
Hi Jewel. Sorry to hear about this - i feel your pain. Trust everything will work out.
On 2017-12-27 21:00:06 nsence said:
Sorry to hear Jewel, just to be clear, do you believe your venue is safe now, or not?
On 2017-12-28 07:55:57 Claudia Gentlemens Delight said:
It takes a lot of courage to be so brutally honest, especially about this particular situation.
You are a phenomenal person, Jewel.
Sending you beautiful thoughts, my girl.
On 2018-01-02 13:13:28 MrJ786 said:
Honesty def the best. Hope you recover soonest.
Same goes for ladies ill. Long ago had a booking with a popular lady a day before an overseas trip, got there n after some long kisses n action was told she has bronchitis and needless to say i was freck sick in a foreign country for 2 weeks