On 2021-11-29 13:07:55 oraljim said:
We to go them for exactly what homophobes (like you) go to female escorts for. The reasons are varied. The fact that your language so clearly objectifies them ("which ones" as opposed to, for example, "who") leads me to believe you are just setting up for a troll or to call those who visit them some slur. If I am wrong and your question is genuine then the very first thing I would suggest is editing your thinking to remove them from any "otherness" category and begin by treating them for exactly what they are: gorgeous people living with their unique sexuality just the same as you, me and everyone else. Respectful words begin with respectful thoughts.
On 2021-11-29 14:06:35 Loverboy_SA said:
What an absolute pleasure you must be in real life.
On 2021-11-29 13:42:20 Laidback007 said:
Much respect to you sir @oraljim for always articulating your thoughts coherently and more importantly respectfully.