viceboby - Order online, go to a restaurant, or Food Court
Order online, go to a restaurant, or Food Court
Gold Member
9 Aug 2021
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Posted: 2021-11-05 08:41:39

Hi Purple world,

Im kinda new to all this, turned 40 and found a decent paying job and being single i now feel like a kid in a candy store so i would like some input from the more seasoned veteran.

What are the pros and cons, if any between looking for a punt online, like here on ESA, or going to a venue or a strip club? Do all strip club allow punts or it depends? Im in Joburg if anyone has any suggestions.
buzzy64 - Re: Order online, go to a restaurant, or Food Court
Re: Order online, go to a restaurant, or Food Court
Gold Member
9 Sep 2012
Posts to Date: 292
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Posted: 2021-11-05 09:16:13

Given the fact that you mentioned you are 40 and found a decent paying job I'll give some advice you didn't ask for. Save just as much as you willing to spend here. This addiction will bankrupt you so be cautious.

Venues are expensive they often make those ladies who work there charge a fair amount more.

Girls working on their own with reading reviews and stuff can provide you with some bargains.

Venues may provide some safety satisfaction of privacy but so do some of the ladies who work on their own.

Call or communicate with whomever you fancy here and try a few that's the best way to experience it.

Drugs can be everywhere, extortion can be anywhere, so don't be easily fooled when having fun. And get a punting phone. And as far as quality goes that's individual and can't be put to a venue or independent lady. Use your intuition and book
AnthonyEdwards - Re: Order online, go to a restaurant, or Food Court
Re: Order online, go to a restaurant, or Food Court
Basic Member
16 Dec 2020
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Posted: 2021-11-05 09:18:41
Edited: 2021-11-05 09:21:08

^^^^ What he said... And...

In my experience, strip clubs are designed to drain your money. I had one visit and never again. I went in, bunch of ladies came up and asked me if I wanted to buy a bottle for myself. I figured it would be better. Since I could stay a while.

The ladies bring you the bottle, the pour themselves drinks, I have seen them throw perfectly good drinks into the pot plants, or purposely spill them so that it gets finished quickly. They get a commission on how much money they make you spend.

I would buy the bottle. For every drink they want, I will be getting a BJ or lapdance as payment. Then you see how quickly they run away. They expect things for free but don't give nothing for free.

As for Venue, I don't like them because they degrade women by doing the whole police lineup thing. I do have 1 or 2 trusted venues I would visit.

As for sites. I found all the others to be very dodgy with scammers, etc. I stick to ESA for this country. Do yourself a favor, get the Gold Member. You get so many more features.

ESA is the safest for me, you have the forums to check out the ladies personalities, who are the real gems, who are scammers, who has the most rotten personalities that I would never even touch with my dogs sword.

Read their reviews, go with the reputable ones. Search their names in the forum, read their conversations and how they carry themselves. If you not sure, PM a punter that reviewed them or knows them. Or ask in the forum for what you are looking for. We are all here to help
viceboby - Re: Order online, go to a restaurant, or Food Court
Re: Order online, go to a restaurant, or Food Court
Gold Member
9 Aug 2021
Posts to Date: 5
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Posted: 2021-11-05 10:35:03

thanks for the info, much appreciated, a lot of good stuff. Guess i will stick to ESA and not go deeper down the rabbit hole.... for now and see.
Prophet1 - Re: Order online, go to a restaurant, or Food Court
Re: Order online, go to a restaurant, or Food Court
Basic Member
21 May 2018
Posts to Date: 59
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Posted: 2021-11-05 21:49:22

Before any of that...get a punting SIM and/or phone! Especially a pre-rica one. Will save you a mountain of headaches.


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