Muzz - Trying to uncover a catfish - not ESA
Trying to uncover a catfish - not ESA
Gold Member
5 Sep 2021
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Posted: 2021-11-05 18:59:02

Hi punters and SPs. I have to be careful here, so as not to advertise (or the opposite, actually) but I'm trying to expose a catfish that is unrelated to ESA, and I understand if admin closes this down.
If CT people could PM me so I could give a bit more info and figure out of I'm right.
Might be the wrong forum for this enquiry, and to ESA I apologize, but if I'm right, we should all be aware.
Miss Barbie Doll
Miss Barbie Doll - Re: Trying to uncover a catfish - not ESA
Re: Trying to uncover a catfish - not ESA
16 Feb 2016
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Posted: 2021-11-05 19:02:59

I like hearing stories,come with it hahahaha.does it involve dating site?
Miss Red (aka Louise)
Miss Red (aka Louise) - Re: Trying to uncover a catfish - not ESA
Re: Trying to uncover a catfish - not ESA
17 May 2018
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Posted: 2021-11-05 19:17:49

That makes two of us BD.;)

I would really like to hear this.

I am really sick of shady shit fucking up business for everyone.

Muzz - Re: Trying to uncover a catfish - not ESA
Re: Trying to uncover a catfish - not ESA
Gold Member
5 Sep 2021
Posts to Date: 15
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Posted: 2021-11-05 19:22:44

I'm not going to run foul of ESA in directing traffic as I understand the economics. I suspect there's a reason she's not on ESA, which was a clue.
Sylvia - Re: Trying to uncover a catfish - not ESA
Re: Trying to uncover a catfish - not ESA
26 Sep 2010
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Posted: 2021-11-05 19:27:18

what about a pm then? to one of us who picked up your thread then one or the other can send to us. nothing wrong with that.s
Miss Red (aka Louise)
Miss Red (aka Louise) - Re: Trying to uncover a catfish - not ESA
Re: Trying to uncover a catfish - not ESA
17 May 2018
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Posted: 2021-11-05 19:50:59

My opinion.. no catfish..just girl taking a fat chance asking for money for nothing and running into someone that actually thought he was helping and gave her money, that now is wondering if he has been played.

Chance are 50/50 he was played and won't see the money ever again or she will do the right thing actually pay it back some way.

Golden rule when in doubt don't!

No matters if it is R1 or R100 or R1000.

@muzz... i truly hope this lady does right by you after you did help her out.

No matter whether a lady is from here or not.

It still affects us all at the end of the day.

Even though you did not name her and said she ain't on Esa,the narrative not trust SPs.. when people read negative posts about something that happend to a punter. Even if the good ones out number the rotten ones.

People are wired to hold onto negativity. One post like this will over shadow a 100 good post and good reviews.

Muzz - Re: Trying to uncover a catfish - not ESA
Re: Trying to uncover a catfish - not ESA
Gold Member
5 Sep 2021
Posts to Date: 17
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Posted: 2021-11-05 20:00:44

@Ms Red...if I could suggest, the glass is actually half full :) I came to a trusted environment to enquire, nd the SPs here get acknowledged for their honesty, and contrasted against those operating outside. I'd suggest my enquiry uplifts our SPs as "a cut above" ;)
As far as being taken goes, the R100 was a test. I have my answer, and didn't cost me much to get my answer. Money well spent in my mind ;)


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