Kylie - Mind fuck....
Mind fuck....
7 Oct 2020
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Posted: 2023-12-15 14:46:21
Edited: 2023-12-15 14:50:01

It as been scientifically proven that the human brain still functions after death for some time...
And that the sense of earning & smell is the last "brain" function to stop...

So tell me, if the whole head would be destroyed... is there still dmt movement???

Does the astrological body of the entity still exist???
Kylie - Re: Mind fuck....
Re: Mind fuck....
7 Oct 2020
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Posted: 2023-12-15 14:52:45

Dmt is the function between brain neurons. The electric pulse between brain cells
J_J - Re: Mind fuck....
Re: Mind fuck....
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1 Jan 2023
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Posted: 2023-12-15 16:55:41

I was drawn by mind fuck ...,lol; then got DMT instead, wtf, lol

But on a slightly different tangent. They often say men think with their little head when it comes to sex. To some degree that is physiologically true. The penis, like the the heart, lungs and various other organs are contoled by the autonomic nervous system. In layman's terms, the sub conscious.

We men, have absolutely no control over our dicks, just like we can't control our heart beat. We can be suggestive and try to influence it, like if we want to increase our heart rate we can increase activity, but we have no direct control over it. It actually thinks for itself. And sometimes it embarrasses us and it's not always a true reflection of what we thinking/ feeling.

On the spiritual side, I think the spiritual body is connected to the physical through the brain. But the brain is nothing special, it's just a computer with an internal cabled network (nerves) connection to the rest of the body. The spiritual is the being punching the keys or clicking the mouse (metaphorically). The spiritual also has an external connection, like the internet or cloud, and it can source data from that realm to input into the physical body through the brain. Out consciousness is like some form of AI trying to make sense of these inputs and create a reality for the individual. So what happens when we die. The same thing that happens when a computer goes bust. We buy a new one. I would imagine the spirit just finds a new one. And if you into religion, there would some form of social order in which new bodies are allocated/ sourced.

The AI generated reality we know dies (memory deleted) as its not real, it's localised to the body. But a new body, inhabited by the same spirit makung similar inputs, may generate a similar reality, hence the very common feeling of dejavu.
J_J - Re: Mind fuck....
Re: Mind fuck....
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1 Jan 2023
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Posted: 2023-12-15 17:00:19

So what does the penis lecture got to do with my views on spirituality; fokol

But this is an adult website so had to throw something in.
Kylie - Re: Mind fuck....
Re: Mind fuck....
7 Oct 2020
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Posted: 2023-12-15 17:55:02
Edited: 2023-12-15 17:55:12

Thank you
I like the way you and your penis thinks...

majorjohn - Re: Mind fuck....
Re: Mind fuck....
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11 May 2018
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Posted: 2023-12-16 10:34:50

I think the problem is that people think of spirituality as an extension of the physical world. Like some sort of overlay, when instead it is something mostly separate and unfathomable for the most part.

We try to see the world through human eyes and project that view into the spiritual. And I believe that is a mistake.
Kylie - Re: Mind fuck....
Re: Mind fuck....
7 Oct 2020
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Posted: 2023-12-16 13:10:54

Very nice input... thank you.
kingkk - Re: Mind fuck....
Re: Mind fuck....
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13 May 2023
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Posted: 2023-12-17 16:05:04

The minds something else. Can one imagine us being like in one of those science fiction movies where it's done with vr helmuts and neuron transferral problem is than Welle be able to allow someone into our things we not even aware of in our minds or things we choose not to acknowledge. Hope that's far into the future. Other thoughts and opinions.
Kylie - Re: Mind fuck....
Re: Mind fuck....
7 Oct 2020
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Posted: 2023-12-18 19:25:11

It's a bit out of wack.... but yes hopefully that never happens.

Nothing truly ever replace of the satisfying feel of touch...
J_J - Re: Mind fuck....
Re: Mind fuck....
Gold Member
1 Jan 2023
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Posted: 2023-12-19 08:50:25

On 2023-12-18 19:25:11 Kylie said:
It's a bit out of wack.... but yes hopefully that never happens.

Nothing truly ever replace of the satisfying feel of touch...


Taking my earlier post a little further.

Generally the senses are there to guide bodily function (mostly), and assuming the spirit is in control of 'destiny' (controlling our subconscios brain; by overly stimulating a particular sense, maybe, just maybe, we have the ability to reverse input (influence) the spirit. Now one sense (touch) is strangely very strong and impactful, way beyond most other senses.

Both smell and taste fades with excess stimulation. Sight and sound seems limited, but also tends to ground you in the present reality, but when the correct frequencies are touched, it can bring you to a euphoric state. But touch (with the deprivation of sight and sound) can take you to another world.


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