Russian Bridgitte
Russian Bridgitte - ....blessed be this sensual space
....blessed be this sensual space
3 Jun 2015
Posts to Date: 7228
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Posted: 2023-07-26 11:26:05

Good morning from a chilly Cape Town.

There are so many people that I am Blessed with in a space unexpectedly very educational apart from unapologetically erotic and seductive.

The pleasure is to be able to acknowledge the actual person that walks through one's door and, the more guarded that person may be, the greater the possibility that conversation is light and minimal.

Nervously talkative means light banter but, still minimal.

And then, there are those regulars.

Some still keep it light.

Others share of themselves unreservedly .

A huge compliment when one is on the receiving end of a person's struggles and uncertainties. That comfort they feel to be able to tell "you" without being judged .

And then.....conversations where new knowledge is gained about past histories that are impactful and have made a difference in the overall development of the world as a whole.

There is soooooo much of that out there. One will never ever know it all and thus to seek knowledge, no matter what sort of knowledge may fascinate one, should never end.

In the throes of caresses unrushed, a sensual body to body and me sitting between his legs while massaging his feet I mentioned my next travels shall be to Marakesh...that I simply have to go....Morocco being steeped in history and tradition.

He said to me "did you know the oldest learning institution is in Morocco?"

And when he left after a most "adoring "session of his wonderful body I looked that fact up and this is what I found out....

The world's first university, The University of Al Qarawiynn, was founded in 895 CE by a woman namedFatima al-Fihri.

The history of many things we know so little about and I suppose the commercialized push of reality shows such as the kardashians are more fun yet, general knowledge stumping and, the product of a future generation that the past will hold no meaning of or fascination for but , rather a focus on being classified as a nothing from nowhere with no base or roots ...a nomad with an empty head fllled with tick tock clips and propaganda spewed killing crirical thinking, solution seekers and the desire for education of past , present and what the future might look like all depending on our desire to be the best global possible citizen one could be.

History... to many it is simply the past . To many it is a global storybook of truths and intrigues.

A Worthy personal investment to understand much beyond our own personal opinionated and judgemental bubbles we live in.



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