Doom123 - Why do women cry when being proposed to???
Why do women cry when being proposed to???
Gold Member
20 Aug 2015
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Posted: 2019-10-10 14:48:15

Why do women cry when being proposed to???
Answers plssssss????? Or share your thoughts.
Kimmylee - Re: Why do women cry when being proposed to???
Re: Why do women cry when being proposed to???
14 May 2014
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Posted: 2019-10-10 14:52:00

Could this be another reason?

"Forehead kisses are how men steal the common sense from your brain. Stay woke."
Bentley - Re: Why do women cry when being proposed to???
Re: Why do women cry when being proposed to???
20 Jun 2012
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Posted: 2019-10-10 15:05:36

Lol perhaps she is just overwhelmed she never thought guy would...Woman can sometimes be emotional,i guess pulled the right string in her heart.
Perhaps its the first and its unexpected...

Maybe tears can actually mean happiness so that could be way of expressing herself.

semensquirter - Re: Why do women cry when being proposed to???
Re: Why do women cry when being proposed to???
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11 Apr 2018
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Posted: 2019-10-10 15:06:54
Edited: 2019-10-10 15:08:20

Maybe.....she realizes that this is the highest point of the relationship...
It's all downhill after that...LOL
Doom123 - Re: Why do women cry when being proposed to???
Re: Why do women cry when being proposed to???
Gold Member
20 Aug 2015
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Posted: 2019-10-10 15:15:17

Keep ur tots coming thanks:
In my opinion:

Imagine going from 10 Dicks to 1. Who wouldn't cry please? Hmm
EvilAngel - Re: Why do women cry when being proposed to???
Re: Why do women cry when being proposed to???
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16 Nov 2015
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Posted: 2019-10-10 15:35:21

My wife didnt cry. She laught at me
BALLYHOO - Re: Why do women cry when being proposed to???
Re: Why do women cry when being proposed to???
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12 Dec 2009
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Posted: 2019-10-10 15:47:59

My wife cried when proposing. Happened during sex and I rammed her butthole by mistake. She never let's me forget that idyllic moment.
SweetScorpio - Re: Why do women cry when being proposed to???
Re: Why do women cry when being proposed to???
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23 Mar 2011
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Posted: 2019-10-10 15:48:26
Edited: 2019-10-10 15:52:02

On 2019-10-10 14:48:15 Doom123 said:
Why do women cry when being proposed to???
Answers plssssss????? Or share your thoughts.

Those are happy cries.. Her days of giving blowjobs are coming to an end:-)
Kimmylee - Re: Why do women cry when being proposed to???
Re: Why do women cry when being proposed to???
14 May 2014
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Posted: 2019-10-10 15:57:49

On 2019-10-10 15:15:17 Doom123 said:
Keep ur tots coming thanks:
In my opinion:

Imagine going from 10 Dicks to 1. Who wouldn't cry please? Hmm

It doesn't mean that when the numbers have gone down, you should not try hard to keep it woke yourself. That would be a big mistake.


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