Ziske Le Roux
Ziske Le Roux - Ziske: A Decade of Memories....
Ziske: A Decade of Memories....
1 Dec 2015
Posts to Date: 5826
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Posted: 2022-12-29 13:33:50

I have an extremely long post to write, so please don't be negative, if you don't have time to read or don't like long posts, kindly scroll by.

This is a very emotional moment for me. If you do read it and leave positive feedback thank you xxx

1. I've learnt to listen and understand people better
2. I've learnt to find and express my sexuality, fantasies and fetishes
3. I've learnt how to be wary of scammers, backstabbers and the likes
4. I've had the opportunity to be crowned an ESA Princess as well as be nominated for best GFE (meaning I know what it feels like to be noticed)
5. I've learnt that reviews aren't everything, just keep giving your best it's more than enough
6. I've learnt that some punters have no idea how to speak or treat a lady and a lot of punters do
7. I've learnt that relationships in this industry don't last, but sometimes they do and sometimes it's best to avoid them all together.
8. I've learnt that sometimes the best answers are silence

The Purple World was definitely my escape from reality, where I could let "Ziske" be free. Which is also the meaning of the name

To @Aunty Sage wow what an amazing time it's been. I never even kept track of how long I've known you and worked not for you, but with you. You have become like family to me, we've shared our troubles, we had great days. Cried and laughed together. Gave each other sound advice, motivation and inspiration. We really came a long way together. You've taught me what is self worth as well as a few tips and tricks in the industry. You have always just been my mentor and my best friend. One of the few people I've met that is genuine and real and has always had my back no matter what. Thank you for that, you will not be forgotten ever.

To @Anne, when I met you, you were quiet and shy. Once I got to know you, that changed and we've also shared a lot together. Always supporting me as well, we've grown together and you've learnt a lot as well. You are also very intelligent like Aunty Sage. It has been a privilege to get to know you too.

Then to all the punters that has ever crossed my path, basic or gold, members or just browsers. You all have made a huge impact on me, all your stories shared, support and advice given. The relationships that were formed, friendships made. Every compliment, every gift was only ever appreciated, every review showing your appreciation, expressing your gratitude to have met me and spend time with me. I noticed every one of you, thank you for making my journey in the Purple World a beautiful one. I shall forever treasure each one in my heart.

To every lady I have met and worked with, thank you. You ladies are simply amazing, you are strong women with ambition, you're hard workers, women who have had tough lives and came from tough circumstances and like me, made the best of it. Some of these beautiful souls have successfully left the industry - well done to you. Some have not, but your time will come. You have all inspired me with your stories and you ladies have shown me we can care for each other and happily work together. Nothing need always be competition nor jealousy.

Also, thank you to the ESA Team some have left over the years, for all the laughs, chats and prizes. Thank you for always being friendly over the phone and attending to my requests in a quick, professional manner. Thank you to the only photographer, Emily. I had you from the beginning of my days in the Purple World. Dealing with my ups and downs, my body changes and my moods. You have just been extraordinary and incredible all these years.

So, this is how I say farewell to The Purple World - ESA. I have only ever had fantastic experiences on my journey, maybe the here and there punter that would shortpay me. However, never anything harmful or hurtful. I've worked with Legends, watched them in action and also watched them leave. I've met amazing punters, some I have not had the privilege to meet. I've made genuine friends, had very supportive and caring punters cross my path. This has had to be the best 10 years of my life. Never a dull moment.

Take care, and may "Ziske" always be an engraved memory in many hearts.

Ziske Le Roux

Jakeburns78 - Re: Ziske: A Decade of Memories....
Re: Ziske: A Decade of Memories....
Gold Member
7 Feb 2021
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Posted: 2022-12-29 14:00:51

Wow this is a very sad post, to say goodbye to the wonderful Ziske, someone I have shared a small portion of her journey is very difficult.

You are truly a wonderful person with a great heart who will be very sadly missed especially by me.

All I can say is I wish you great love, joy and happiness in your life going forward and hope you think of us and smile once every so often

Jake XXX :(
Cunilinkiss - Re: Ziske: A Decade of Memories....
Re: Ziske: A Decade of Memories....
Gold Member
16 Feb 2021
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Posted: 2022-12-30 06:36:38

This is a surprise!!
Our loss for sure.
I'll say a proper goodbye on wa, but here I would like to publicly acknowledge your ability to do exactly what you set out to do.
You create the sensual escape we need. You are happy company and a beautiful woman.
May only good things go with you.
You will be missed
( Aunty ) Sage
( Aunty ) Sage - Re: Ziske: A Decade of Memories....
Re: Ziske: A Decade of Memories....
13 Aug 2015
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Posted: 2022-12-30 06:43:18

All the best beautiful legend.
Your place will remain open.

Thank you for all your love and support
I am better for having had you in my life

Happy thoughts
Todayivisit - Re: Ziske: A Decade of Memories....
Re: Ziske: A Decade of Memories....
Basic Member
1 Jan 2022
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Posted: 2022-12-30 06:48:35

Everything of the best. This man unfortunately missed out on your legendary service.
balasbak - Re: Ziske: A Decade of Memories....
Re: Ziske: A Decade of Memories....
Gold Member
21 Oct 2019
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Posted: 2022-12-30 06:50:01

Good on you for putting a plan into place and taking action ... I have not had the privilege of your time ... but you certainly are / were such a positive energy on the forum ... and you certainly have grown in so many ways ... you are that genuine lady with a heart of gold, no bad intentions and always reinventing and looking stunning ... :)

I wish you every success and everything that is good in life ... health, love and happiness always ... and bud you farewell beautiful lady ... MWAH

Kind Regards BB
goofy123 - Re: Ziske: A Decade of Memories....
Re: Ziske: A Decade of Memories....
Gold Member
4 Mar 2011
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Posted: 2022-12-30 06:58:27

Ah man, what a wonderful lady! I enjoyed my visits immensely and even learned some new things! Thank you Ziske, it was a privilege knowing you.
Take care and good luck.
[deleted] - Re: Ziske: A Decade of Memories....
Re: Ziske: A Decade of Memories....
Less than 100 posts
Posted: 2022-12-30 07:49:07

I will always remember the first time we met at a social MANY years ago, and found you "hiding" in the kitchen with a plate of food.

You always carried yourself so well on this platform, and never entertained some of the toxic nonsense that spilled over on the forum - a genuine lady !

Whatever future plans you have for your future, I wish you Good Luck and Godspeed.

Cherio maam
EJF ( old 'LFF29' )
Anne @ Elements
Anne @ Elements - Re: Ziske: A Decade of Memories....
Re: Ziske: A Decade of Memories....
18 Jan 2022
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Posted: 2022-12-30 07:57:41

Ziske, what can I say?

Thank you seems small for all the guidance you have given me,for always being there,for always listening, for always pushing me to be my best self.

You will be missed!

Ziske Le Roux
Ziske Le Roux - Re: Ziske: A Decade of Memories....
Re: Ziske: A Decade of Memories....
1 Dec 2015
Posts to Date: 5827
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Posted: 2022-12-30 08:43:23

Reading these messages this morning, brought tears to my eyes yet again. As if yesterday was not enough.

It has been a helluva journey and I regret nothing! Every message will be treasured xxx


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